I would like to share these beautiful words and energies from Starlite.
"This message as always concerns frequencies, vibrations, sounds and forms and shapes which really are manifestations of energies to create substance to their physicality in the same way that your humkankind is experiencing a physical body to allow growth of your spiritual essence in this dimension.
And so as all energy, frequency, vibration can be represented in a physical form, some choose to exhibit this in the shape or form of a flower, a tree, an animal. A living being that has its own experience, limitations, expecations and opportunities for growth.
As all energy manifests in its chosen form, it can experience that connection to all other forms of frequency, vibration, level of existence, call it what you will. This brings together the unity, the flow, the movement of all that exists, of all that is, and all that will be and this links all those energies and experiences back to Source, back to the origin of all, the Great Provider, the Great Being, call it what you may, for all forms emanate from this being, this creator and all have the opportunity to experience existence in many shapes, forms and kinds of beings.
Link into, watch, observe, integrate the beauty of all that is around you, see the amazing shapes, sizes, forms colours of all living beings and know that these glorious energies and frequencies of their original Divine Spark, are there, wholesome and strong, and sense the soul essence and soul energy of these beings. Tune into the gloriousness of all that is available to you to see, hear, to sense, to feel, to enjoy and delight in. Watch the butterflies fluttering betwen the flowers, delight in the bees as they pollinate the flowers, take in the lovely aromas of plants, enjoy the feel of the grass between your feet, watch the water rippling along in the streams, enjoy that lovely sound as it flows along, delight in the waves lapping up on the beach and cleansing the sand, appreciate the sunrise and the sunset and as you do so, as you absorb the beauty of all that nature offers, as you absorb the beauty of the sounds of harmonious, joyful music, as you hear the birds chirruping in the trees, absorb and integrate all this God-given beauty, the frequencies, the vibrations, the forms, the shapes, the sacred geometry of all that is.
And know that as all these forms, shapes and so on exist side by side in your earthly world that harmony, joy, love, delight is being created by you all, for you all. And these wonderful energies will be raising your energies, clearing from your crystalline grid, your cellular structure, your bones, muscles, all aspects of your physical body; it will be clearing and cleansing all those accumulated energies that are now redundant, that do not serve you any more, that can be released and let go with love.
For dear ones, as all lving beings move forward into the new era, the energies will be of a higher frequency than is currently held and the transitioin is smoother and easier for all on this plane when you raise your energies in line with Mother Earth and all other living beings at this time.
As you all raise your energies so life will be easier, more joyful, it will flow beautifully and naturally; for you will not be held back by denser energies but will move into the light and love of the Divine. And as all living beings move forwards Mother Earth will move and grow into her fullest glory, creating an even more beautiful home for you all, a home, a shelter, a place to experience this spiritual life in a physical body.
And so, dear ones, we leave you now in the safe knowledge that you are loved, cared for on a most deep and nurturing level, that the Plan is unfolding, and we send our greatest love and celebration till time again."