~Innovation Requires Courage~

Lia's picture

~Innovation Requires Courage~



.....Lets face it...

If we are to Proceed with ANY form of Humility and Contrite......

Then we Must LOOK within Ourselves to

the Deepest Part of our Inner Good....


Innovation Requires Change.....

The Ability to Shift our Thinking....

Ambiguous Flexibility of Mind and Heart...

To Surrender the Ego to the Soul.....

For the Greater Good of Our Brothers and Sisters....

To Rise as a Phoenix Above the Ashes...


Innovation Requires Strength.......

To Hold our Neighbors as Our Brother

In the Highest Regard of Greatest Good..

The Passion of Selflessness as

Common As a Wildflower in Bloom

Our Family of ONE......


Innovation Requires Love......

As an Avatar From the Sun spreading

A Brilliant Equinox of Surrender....

A Blending of All Saints and Souls......

Into the ONE of the All that IS............................




Wayne Matthew Clarke....September 9th...2011

