Enlightened Beings ~ Say “Yes” To Your Life!

Lia's picture


Jafree Ozwald

The word ““Yes”” in any language is one of the most powerful words you can use. It will instantaneously and naturally expand your energy field, and make you more receptive to what the Universe is offering you. When you say “Yes” it vibrates your vocal cords and creates a powerful resonance in your body sending out positive vibrations into your world. Take a moment right now to discover what “Yes” feels like when you just think this thought.

Say the word “Yes” in your mind several times getting louder each time. How does it make you feel? Did you notice any energy shift inside? Most people sense their energy is expanding and they feel more joyful and open to life. Saying this magical word on your inner world is only a small portion of the power you can tap into. We recommend saying “Yes” out loud to the Universe if you really want to energetically open up your being and manifest whatever desire is trying to come your way.

“There is a life-affirming spark within you which constantly nudges you towards saying yes to life. Create your YES list; a list of all the things you want to say YES to, and be prepared to be amazed. ~ Linda MacDonald

If you want a great secret to quickly manifesting your dream life, always start with the end result first. This means that after you receive the goodies the Universe is trying to gift you, what will your end result response be? You will naturally say Yes or some form of “thank you” in response. So start with saying Yes now and you’ll put the horse in front of the cart and get things moving!

In each moment, the Universe is offering you a multitude of opportunities and experiences to say “Yes” to. Every time you open up to what is showing up in your life and welcome it fully, you shift your energy field to a “Yes” vibration. Saying “Yes” to life is about saying “yes’ to the totality of what is here now, and playing the game of life fully. When you say “Yes” to what is happening now, your energy body expands and begins to attract even more positive experiences. Imagine yourself to be like a newly blossoming flower. As you say “Yes” each one of your petals opens to the Sun, allowing you to easily receive the bounty of warmth and love the Universe is offering.

“The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.” ~ Charles R. Swindoll

Now you are probably wondering if you’re saying “Yes” to everything, how can you say “Yes” to something you don’t want to manifest in the future or re-experience from your past. The secret is in using a much BIGGER “Yes”! For example, if you come out of the grocery store and find out that someone put a scratch in your new car, you could get furious by saying “no” to the experience, refusing to be at peace with it and become angry at everyone the entire week. What we mean by saying “Yes” to something negative in life, you are choosing to be in a state of acceptance and peace with it. You will not attract more negative experiences when you are at peace with what is. Like attracts like, so you will attract peaceful experiences instead. Since “negative” events happen at some point in everyone’s life, the more you can learn how to open, relax and embrace this situation, the easier it will be to transcend it and move on to higher experiences.

“To say yes, you have to sweat and roll up your sleeves and plunge both hands into life up to the elbows. It’s easy to say no, even if it means dying.” ~ Jean Anouilh

So what do you really have difficulty saying “Yes” to in your life? Think about that one thing that you dislike about your life or something you’ve been resisting or avoiding. Notice how you start feeling by saying “Yes” to it as a way of finding peace with it. Say “Yes” to the sensations of relaxation and peace you’ll have when you are free from it. Most people aren’t easily manifesting what they want because of these energetic blocks inside. By saying “Yes” to the things that your mind is resisting you instantly start to transcend it. For example, perhaps you were afraid of not having enough money, and have been saying “no” to feelings of desperation and lack. When you can allow yourself to welcome this experience, it starts to move through you and eventually leaves your body. Whatever you resist will persist, and when you can welcome it with open arms, the negative energy actually dissipates. So imagine that you are opening your arms to any feelings that you’ve been avoiding right now. Say “Yes” to having these feelings and just welcome all that is there without having to change it in any way. The power of “Yes” is sooo strong that you’ll quickly notice these feelings become smaller and smaller.

If you want to become the master of your life this is where it starts. Learning how to say “Yes” to ALL of your life. Learn many more amazing techniques and manifesting meditations to become the Divine Master of your life with our Super Manifesting Package. Harness the extraordinary power of saying “Yes” to this experience now! Say “Yes” to receiving an abundance of blessings.
