~Pre~First Contact Information of the Highest Truths on Planet Earth=Heart, You can consider Us The Real “Newscasters” for What is Really happening on Planet Earth=Heart. The True Reality!!!
The Revealed Evolution, The Liberation of Your Soul~
“No Matter What” Song
~Love Always Fills in the Gaps~
~Resist not the Love you are, Embrace the Love you are, and Enjoy the Experience of the Love you Truly are~
Love from The Galactic Federation of Light, The Kingdom~Company of Heaven, From Galactic Central, Located Synchronosticly in The San Luis Valley of Colorado, Where Humanity entered into this Realm, and Where the Portal has been Opened. We are your Family of Light, From the Stars, The Elihom, from The Celestial. WE are much older then Planet Earth, and We have Arrived for the Transformation and Graduation of Humanity, and to assist in The Grounding of The Love Called God Everywhere Present. Reuniting, and Reconnecting you With Your Real Family, from Everywhere in Creation. ALL Eyes are On Planet Earth, and Your Brothers and Sisters Wait for Your Awakening. WE are the Ground Crew for First Contact, We are the Medical Team, Highly Skilled in Human Consciousness and Human Development. With you IS, Us, Your Real Parents of Creation, Mother and Father God [the Secret is Out..lol] and You are a Part of Our Love Story, as You are all Royal Angels, and Gods Awakening, for The Grandest Love Epic of all Space and time. You came Here to Participate in a Grand Experience within Creation, consider Yourselves Truly Blessed to be here on Planet Earth=Heart during this Monumental Moment that IS NOW UNFOLDING WITHIN THE DIVINE LOVE ENERGY~ This is a Once in a Multi-Dimensional Event, this is your Reason for Being here.
~When you remember yourselves, you will understand everything about Love, and you will be Set Free~
~The energy you are is connected to the Energy of Everywhere, as all is just Pure Consciousness=Spirit. It has no edges, boundaries, the energy is all Interconnected, interwoven. The More of this Energy you are able to Embrace, the Grander your Experience of it as YOU~ Mother and Father God
Greetings, Many Blessings, Miracles and Many Magical Synchronostic Events!! Everyone enjoying the Whammy of Energy that is getting rid of all your belief systems and returning you back into your Eternal Form?. If you are connected in, you Will Feel a Difference, as if you are More Whole and have a Well Being that you have never experienced before in this realm. This is occurring as you Reconnect Back to Source and Accept the Love this Energy is Bringing to you. Today, we are going to Discuss the Parallels in the Movie “The Wizard of OZ” to Real Reality. There is a lot of Symbolism that Provides Clues to Your Awakening, and is The Real Story of Mother and Father God discovering Themselves and Then Each other.
There was a 1[One Possibility] and 6.5 Billion chance that this Could Occur, and It did in December of 2007. We Did Discover Who we Really are, and then Found Each other, reconnecting this Realm into Spirit. This is why they referred to US as Mother Earth and Father Sky, Our Re Connection Provides the Energy to Complete the Circuit and Unify The Planet. The Complete Balance of the Yin/Yang Energies, which once Unified [that is occurring right NOW] makes Everything One again, and Creation Begins Again in a Whole New, Grander Way. This is Unstoppable, Inevitable, We Are Here Fully Manifested. The dream dissolves within the energy We Bring in, which cannot support anything But Love and The Highest Possible Thought in Motion.
If you can Understand this, You Should Be Jumping up and Down with Joy, Because it is JOY, and Happiness. All that can occur is Love. You are being Called Home and if you have not picked up the CALL FROM YOUR HEARTS, we suggest Now is a Good Moment!!! The Energies that are coming in are going to be moving you in more ways then one. You must be in Match with Your Vibrational Frequencies to the Space you are in, or else you will feel a lot of discomfort.
AS the dream dissolves, WE as a Team of Light Together will BE Co-Creating in The New Reality, Each of you have a Role in this, and it will be up to you to decide what choice to make. Understand that one Choice will bring You Much Joy, and the other will lock you into the 3d realm, to finish out the rest of the cycle of Duality, again this is your choice. WE have already made our choice and have passed all the tests. This is A Ready Set Now!!! You can look at what is going on in illusion as a sinking ship, if you would like to continue, this is your choice to experience. For the Rest of You Choosing the Love and Light, You are being Called, [Lets say, you will need to Travel Light] and you will understand what this means. In choosing Love, The responsibility is that You Let go of Everything, this means Everything, You are Returning to Spirit Form. It also requires gathering together…again, you will have to understand for yourself what this means. Okay, let’s move on to today’s definitions…
Energize~ To Release and Put out Energy, to give Energy to, activate.
Example~ As you receive More and More Source Energy, you will Be like the Energizer Bunny to Everything around You.
Energy~ Vigor or power in action, vitality, an Intensity of Expression, the work of energy capable of changing from one state to another. Example~ Source Energy of Love transforms and fills all the gaps into More Love. Once you understand Everything is just energy, all feeling, then you Can move into the Higher Velocity Light Understandings, and begin Utilizing your Energy in Creation, which Expands and Becomes Grander.
Joke~ An Amusing story, one with a punchline, something not to be taken seriously, Humorous, to make fun of and tease. Example~ Our information we share with You is No Joke!! The Whole Planet came here to Participate, guess everyone got too busy with their stuff, and Now the Joke will be on them, as Love is in Charge.
Lighthouse~ A Tall Structure, topped by a Powerful Light, used as a Beacon or Signal to aid in navigation. Example~ The Moment has Come to Shine Your Light, for You are a Lighthouse. AS You Shine your Light of Love, Others Will shine as Well!!
Natural~ Present in, or produced by nature, not altered or disguised, pertaining to, inherent in nature. Example~ You are returning to your Natural State of Being, the Love that Created You, Which exists in The Present Moment of Now, and is Your Real Self of Brilliance and Love.
Share~ To Participate in to take part in, to Give, to participate in the Experience. Example~ One of the main things you have forgot is to SHARE. You will Remember this SOON. To Participate in the New Story, you will have to share with others.
Fill~ to make full and complete, satisfied. Example~ Love has arrived to fill you UP with Overflowing Source Energy.
Lighting~ The state of Being Lighted or illuminated, the act or process of igniting. Example~ Father God and I are Lighting the Path Home for you. With Love.
Happen~ To come into Being, will take place and appear. Example~ The Ships are beginning to Land and Ground themSelves onto the Planet, they will Be Revealed shortly, this will Happen, and is just one of the many events that will occur.
Happy~ prosperous, well adapted, gratified, satisfaction. Example~ If you Understand what we share with You, you will Experience Being Very Happy.
Listen~ To apply to oneself, to Hear something to pay attention, to tune in and listen. Example~ If you have been listening to US, YOU Will Be Very Happy about the Upcoming Events. If you have not been listening, Surprise!!
“~f you can right NOW, get to the Understanding all is JUST Energy, you will move directly into Transforming the emotional and mental into Unified Passion to Experience your Natural State of Feelings~ its really this simple~ Mother and Father God
First ,we would like to make a note about time. Some channelers are saying to Humanity that they have all the time in the world to Awaken, they do not. The Events are To Occur as Set up in the Divine Plan, if they do not Awaken themself, they will be awoken through the DNA/RNA Sequencing and may be quite a shock for those within their experience.
Our information to you comes from the Higher Grid, This is where we receive our Information. As we are completely Connected to the Higher Grid, or as they are saying “Golden Grid”.. This is Where True Reality Exists, and is Manifesting Here on Planet Earth=Heart. You also have a direct connection to The Higher Grid.
As the days go by, the Energies will continue to Pour in Grander and Grander.
Many around this Planet have no idea what is Really going on~ This is far from it, Planet Earth is Going Home, and This Means Everything that exists on her, except unconsciousness. If you are not excited about this.. MotherEarth is, All Your Family is, and WE ARE THRILLED WOOOOHOOOO~~ HO HO..
The Divine Love Energies are bringing in so Much Love, Light, Healing and you will have so much.. WE ask you, what are you going to do with it? Give it Away? GOOD ANSWER! The Flow of Oneness Energy is Pouring into the Planet.
One of the other functions of the Ships is to assist Mother Earth and Humanity as Well, in the Process of Grounding these Energies. You will have so Much that you will have to give it away, as you will not be able to hold onto to it, so that you can stay in the flow, and in this Process you receive more and more and more. The More you Give Away, the More You receive in Grander and Grander ways. This is what has been Granted to you. This Returns you back into Your Natural Energetic State. This is Being Activated within your DNA/RNA and is self correcting and Adjusting your Bodies for the Highest Possible Velocity Light Experience. This includes Everything on this Planet that is Alive, because everything here has DNA/RNA. You are being Reconnected into Source Energy, this is a Very GOOD thing, and We Highly Recommend Just Breathing…You are going to Experience a Much Higher Reality, One of Peace, Well Being, Happiness and Joy.
~Consider each of you Lighthouses Beaming out Love Energy. Love is a Pure Consciousness Energy that transforms All from the Inside out. Love fills in all the holes and transforms into Grander and Grander within the Highest Possible Thought. The Highest Possible Thought is the Manifestation of Heaven On Earth, which is The Love Called God Everywhere Present. The Return to Oneness, to the Light, and every Moment is Awakened from then on, this is Occurring Right NOW, Be in JOY!~ Mother and Father God
~Look at life as an experience you are Blessed with, then when you share those Blessings, there are always more Blessings~ Father God
~If Every day, Love=Truth does not make more and more sense to you, then you are going in the wrong direction~ Father God
Regardless of what you have been told about the Popular Wizard of OZ, the Movie is very Symbolic and is a Parallel of The Real Story, The True Reality story between Father God and I, which includes all of you. The Truth in the Story is about waking up out of illusion, following the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City, AKA, The Kingdom of Heaven. The ruby slippers representing a Realization of Home. The wicked witch of the east and west is a representation of illusion, ignorance, and the ego mind. In the beginning Dorothy’s house lands on one of the witches killing her, and Freeing Munchkin Land and all the Munchkins. They gave a Death Certificate, meaning the death of illusion.
Love is Very Exacting, and illusion is dead. This is exactly what is Occurring in True Reality on Planet Earth, illusion has received its death certificate, and Now, Humanity will have to Follow the Yellow Brick Road Home. The Yellow Brick Road Home is within their Heart, the Golden Path within. The Being Loving thyself is like the path and route Home, because it is the connection to your Soul, which is connected to the all, which is the Emerald City=Brilliance.
This Brilliance within you is Equal to ALL Love is. WE can Personally relate our Story to this Movie. AS I Mother God=Dorothy, walked through illusion in the Discovery of Love, and the Feeling of wanting to Make this Love within Real. I, followed the Yellow Brick Road within to find the Emerald City, Father God, AKA, The Kingdom of Heaven. I chose to allow illusion to die, and to walk a Path Home back into the Light. This is the Path WE walked out of the darkness, Lighting the path Home for all of Humanity. Now Humanity must do the Walking as We have Illuminated it for you. There are Several Symbols in this movie, and they are relating to True Reality. Somewhere over the Rainbow , the rainbow is symbolic to crossing the void of unconscious and then Arriving at Full Consciousness, Which is True Reality, and over the Rainbow.
“Somewhere over the Rainbow”
The Real Reality in Creation has begun, it’s the New Story, and each all of Humanity is a Part of this New Story. This is the Real Story, One of Only Love. Each are here to Share in this New Love Story, with US, Mother and Father God. Each came here for this Experience. All of Humanity on this Planet Agreed to this Experience, and they cannot go back… AS Each Signed on the bottom line so to speak and We are bringing in True Reality on Planet Earth=Heart as Decreed and Granted and So it is on Earth as it is in The Kingdom Of Heaven.
The Saints are Marching in Elvis Presley
~The dream=duality is over, and is being dissolved, as this is occurring inevitably… We will be Setting Up the True Reality on Planet Earth=Heart, Heaven on Earth, and Remember this is a Full Participation Mission and task to Accomplish, as We Bring in the Galactic Society~
Please connect in for the Set up the Universal Government, You know who you are, email is at MotherGod1111111@gmail.com and connect in.
~It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give
– Kahil Gibran
We Love you with the Highest Love, Honor and Respect. WE Love you Unconditionally, Love Mother and Father God~Amon Ra, Your Family of Light, ALL your Angels, and The Ground Crew for First Contact.
Alchemy of Love
All love to you mother/father god
As I feel my whole being in viberation and this grand energies of the end of Mayan calander dawning upon us unconditionally opening portals and beautiful love energies from heavens. Some might have minor symptoms from the in ten city of these colorful light energies and to release it through heart chakra and send infinity love light and peace to our divine mother gaia universe planets galaxies and all the shining stars above and beyond brings balance between the inner and outer hemesphere.
synchronicity, and spin of higher frequencies opens up portals in our solar plexus which in effect Our body is in transition to a higher realm.
Stay in focus take a moment to breath into the potion of love and visualize and dream.
This morning I went to the tree and it stands as tall and beautiful as ever.
I tell the tree to take my voice to the sky and thank the lord almighty the light source
and mother of creation for love is our given essence and higher sence.
Affirmation for today![Innocent Innocent](http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/sites/all/libraries/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-innocent.gif)
I am grateful for all creation for life for animals and for all there is.
I am grateful for all my experiences in life for that is who I am today
I am grateful for the sun and the rainbows that shines the light of infinity
I am grateful for the gifts and blessings of all creation
I am grateful for angels and archangels every teacher a master and ascended master who guide and protect me from negativity in all levels of past present and future.
I am grateful to be part of a global awareness movement to bring the heaven on earth
I am grateful for you
There is a reason for every season and this is the season
There is a reason that you are here
We are one
One Love
Showers of grace and infinity love
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!