Flood of Dead Pigs, Trickle of Answers in China

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Weather.com - 3/20/13, AP

Sanitation workers collect dead pigs from Shanghai's main waterway on March 11, 2013. Nearly 3,000 dead pigs have been found floating in the water. (Peter Parks/AFP/Getty Images)

BEIJING -- The pig carcasses - now nearly 14,000 of them - have been floating down rivers that feed into Shanghai for nearly two weeks. The city's residents have been told not to worry, and not much else.

Where the pigs came from, how they died and why they suddenly showed up in the river system that supplies drinking water to a city of 23 million has not been explained. Officials have told residents their drinking water is safe, while authorities have censored microblog posts suggesting that the public organize peaceful protests.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


