~ A Message from the Earth Allies~ ~The Journey Has Begun~

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~Spirit Consciousness has Awakened on Planet Earth=Heart and Therefore, Love is Everywhere, Within and Everywhere,this includes Humanity.This is an inevitable event Unfolding Now, which was Originally Called forth from Mother Earth, and Her Ascension Home into the Light. All of Humanity is just here for the JOY RIDE!!


This means Unconditional Creation HAS Awakened, into the Highest Possible Thought of Energy That Could Ever Occur. This will be Unfolding for All Eternity, In Every Moment, With Every Moment of NOW, Forever and Forever. This is Creation... Always More...=The ALL Given To Creation, To Create More in Grander Ways, as Atoms Move Towards More of the Love that Created them.This is How Love and Creation Move with the Atoms of Love. This Energy merges Humanity with US in Spirit, This is the Wedding of Humanity to God.~


This is an unstoppable Moment within Creation. Mother Earth with Humanity has Birthed a New Paradigm and through this, the world of illusion is dissolving and quickly. It's now becoming increasingly impossible for these Energies to exist together! Something's gotta Give, and will. Resistence is futile... Love Has Already Won!


As all ignorance and illusion dissolves, all that Will remain, is The Love Called God Everywhere Present.  The Light~True Reality is Now Returning to Planet Earth=Heart, Heaven on Earth.



A New Reality is here, the Manifestation and The Transformative energies of Love, like never before experienced, have entered. This is why Humanity is Here, for this Grand Experience~ There is nothing else, it does not matter what is happening in illusion. Who really cares accept those clinging to a sinking ship.


~ You See, The Atoms are Vibrating Humanity into Freedom, it's a conspiracy. All Atoms are now Moving into the Highest Possible Thought to Manifest, Which Has Been Decreed By Love. We are Here in the Manifest as Granted, and Now its Humanity's Turn to Manifest into Love and Live the Truth.~





ALL the Eyes are on Planet Earth=Heart To watch Creation Occur, in a way that has never occurred before. A Love Story, Where Everyone Awakens as ONE, where The Circuit has Been Completed, and an Even Grander Creation begins. This requires the Whole Planet's Participation, and is why Everyone must Awaken.


Truth, Love and Creation are just like a Symphony and this Unfoldment on Planet Earth is So Unique and is The Grandest Event that that has occurred in all of Creation. The Event of a Humanity of GOD, that traveled to the depths of illusion and then to rise up, to Play their Part, within the Symphony of Creation. Each Atom carries a Note and each Instrument must Play. Each of Humanity as a Unique God Spark, have a Note within Creation to Play, just as each Atom that makes everything up. ALL parts Make the Whole, and Complete the Circuit. This Moment has arrived~


~Love cannot be forced, it can only be Embraced, Unconditionally. There is a Moment in a Symphony, where the Whole Orchestra Gets to Play, and That is ALL OF US, and that is NOW~


End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally!

Love The Earth Allies
