May, 2013
These are surely the times to focus on living as your Presence and to extract yourself from the distractions of the world. For you have been living in a dream that is no longer serving your great spiritual potential to walk the Earth as a living master. It does indeed take dedication, devotion and passion to keep yourself out of the magnetic pull of the old paradigms that are still controlling the majority of the collective consciousness of humanity. Yet you, beloveds, chose to be here during the time of humanity's ascension into the 5th dimension. You are all wayshowers and Golden Age leaders who are being invited to create a completely new way of living on your planet. Those who awaken first are being given the opportunity of taking the hands of those who are still sleeping, and the more awake you are, the greater service you are providing so all of humankind can move into Unity Consciousness.
~ Gautama Buddha
Enlightenment is primarily a moment-to-moment contract with your God Presence to simply live beyond the mind of the ego and outside of the stress of 3rd dimensional time so you can experience and exemplify living in a state of pure being. “To be or not to be” ~ that truly is the question.
When you are simply present without any egoic need to extend your mind into the future or the past, you are actually residing in those moments as an enlightened being. Thinking remains an important part of the human experience, yet what is more important to your ascension and the ascension of humanity is to become increasingly aware of how you may be wasting your precious time on Earth thinking about things that do not really matter or that are simply being regurgitated from your past.
Perhaps now is the time in your evolutionary journey to pay much more attention to your thoughts. For example: Can you live without habitually assessing your past or without extending your mind into the future? Can you practice creating as your Presence by accessing out of the silence whatever is there for you in the mystery of the moment? For it is there that you have the power of the Divine Feminine aspect of your Presence to access the ever-arising ecstasy that is present within every moment based on your just being fully alive as the Love you truly are. This is the mastery that was exhibited in the lives of the Buddha and the Christ and it is the life you are being invited to live in your present time.
As you juxtaposition yourself between your thinking mind and the silence, your overall being will become more still, your health will improve, and your relationships will become more deeply intimate. Your logical mind has helped you coordinate your physical plane life, yet the next step is to encourage the limited thinking mind to work in harmonious cooperation with the unlimited mind of your Presence. When you allow yourself to be more silent and fully present, the easier it gets to practice living as your Presence.
Commentary from the Press about the comment below..." The ego dissolves the More we are Present In the Moment of Now, cause the ego cannot be present its impossible.. Let it go continually and allow the higherself to come in... love The Earth Allies
Your desire and passion to live as your Presence will start to train the mind of your ego to cease holding onto unnecessary thoughts and feelings. When you allow everything to flow through you like a river on its way to the sea, then you get to experience the ocean of peace and Oneness that is beyond thought. In order to experience more silence within your mind, even for short periods of time, your ego must be quieted so it will cease demanding your attention. If you do not assist in this process, your ego will just keep getting louder as it does not want to lose its job of controlling your mind.
Since this is a cycle in which many of you are actively focusing on your ascension, it is a good time to let your ego know that its primary job is to serve your Presence and to support your higher intentions. One of these intentions is to live in the freedom that comes from being at peace within.
Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose
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