First Solar Eclipse of 2013 Visible for Most of Australia

MomT's picture By Vickie Frantz, Staff Writer

May 09, 2013; 6:58 AM

The first solar eclipse of the year will be visible in parts of Australia, eastern Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, the Gilbert Islands, the Hawaiian Islands, eastern Indonesia and the southern Philippines, weather permitting.

In the towns of Sydney and Canberra, the eclipse viewing conditions should be good. "Scattered clouds will cause poor viewing conditions for the towns of Perth, Adelaide and possibly Melbourne," said AccuWeather Meteorologist Erik Pindrock.

"The eclipse begins at sunrise Friday morning local time over the wilderness of western Australia. It then sweeps over the unpopulated Northern Territory and continues across northern Queensland, far to the north of Cairns," said AccuWeather Meteorologist Mark Paquette.


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