I wrote this poem about 3 years ago,around the time when i was beginning to awaken and walk my path.Its my favorite poem i have written.Looking back on the day i wrote it fills me with joy and happiness.I was sitting under the sun in the National Arboretum in Washington DC.I was blessed to be able to attend school across the street from this diverse garden.This place of joy and bliss.I hope you enjoy this poem as much as i do dear heart.Namaste!
Insightful Flight
Look says a father to his son
No, not there,in the sky
Way up high
The son looks and sees a falcon but says nothing
You see that, boy oh boy that sure is something
Dad its just a bird-its nothing-its not a miracle the boy says
Show me a flying human and then itll be nothing-but until then
Boy oh boy that sure is something
So majestic and graceful as they fly
Riding the thermals in the vast sky
On the ground we roam, for we've made it our home
But they have made the sky into artwork
For they dance with the clouds and the sun
Way up high in the vast sky
They are masters of flight
Is that so father?
it is,but you think their flight is nothing so why bother
The father lets out a sigh and just stares at the sky
Silence falls between the two and time passes by
Until finally the boy takes a long look at the sky
And within that short time period
The boy had become enlightened
He understood what his father's message was
He understood it all just by taking time to look at the sky
They are not just birds said the boy
What? The father asked with eyes full of joy
They are messangers just as much as they are masters of flight
And studying their flight has given me some insight
Each flap of their wings are as natural to them as walking is to us
They glide in the sky as smoothly as can be
Foating upon the thermals with ease
They fleet time carelessly in the sky
Allowing time to pass them by
Nothing matters but their flight
And yet they can still sense everything all around them
They even feel our presence on the ground below
How so?
Surely it is because of what the know
And to this i say- No!
They just do something we dont
They open their souls to mother nature
Allowing her to dwell in their very core
They aren't concerned about a thing but their flight
And in flight mother nature begins to write
Mother nature begins to write in a language not seen in plain sight
In the language of the soul she makes her message known
She speaks of times of the past and of times to come
Things that exist outside of time
She calls us back to her
She calls us back to her
She promise us what was once ours
What was once ours she promises once again
She promises us...
The boy looks into his fathers eyes and they both say
Really lovely! :)
Really lovely! :)
Love, Light & Laughter, Michelle