in the ears ~ High pitch tones~
Ringing in the ears as it’s commonly
known is one of the symptoms experienced by the majority of Ascensionees; hence
I thought it judicious/guided to expand on its raison d`être.
``Ringing in the ears is the
setting/fine tuning of our personal energy field/template (processor clock
frequency) to the unity timeline called the God wave (Crystalline Grid Carrier/144Octave)
– harmonics and side bands resulting from this calibration; a high frequency metallic hum of the
rapidly oscillating higher chakras now perceived due to our extended range of
audible frequencies.``
Preamble: Ascension symptoms are an unusual body
symptom that does not have a medical cause, which are the effect of a greater
spiritual light – energy downloads in the body.
Many lightworkers who are
deeply emerged in the transformation/ascension process are experiencing these
uncomfortable symptoms as a way to quickly transmute the old negative energies
within their physical vessel - a burning/releasing of old frequency patterns to
allow the higher, more refined crystalline cells of consciousness to infiltrate
and take dominion within.
These symptoms are the result of deep physiological
transformations at the cellular and metabolic level, which sometimes manifest
as inflammation.
Our experiences of these body symptoms
vary extensively (number, type, magnitude, frequency) depending on some of
these aspects: our karmic load, mission/contract, wholeness, environment –
nutrition, air, exercise, etc. We all go through this process and symptoms in
divers ways, modes, intensity as they vary from person to person. We are all
unique, on different - infinite healing paths, ascending and shifting in a
multitude of ways – scenarios.
energy field/template:
Our body comprises four basic
components – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual (higher self). The
etheric component is piloted by our chakra system – energy centers/accumulators.
During normal working life the energy that comes into our bodies from various
ends: Source, Gaia, CME, Cosmic down loads, Shift, Grids, etc. is processed by
our chakras thereby giving rise to a resultant complex signal (wave) called our
signature tone or registration. This energy field is unique for each
individual. The electromagnetic field associated to this current flow produces
what is called the Aura. This complex wave is further enhanced or rather
sustained by a constant signal called our clock frequency (identical to the
microprocessor clock frequency of computers) indispensable in the stabilization
and running of our etheric network. In reality, this clock frequency is locked
(PLL – phase lock loop systems of electronic circuits) or synchronized by a permanent
carrier/pilot frequency (also known as the Beacon) received from Source called
the OM wave – this is how our connection to Source is derived and activated.
wave – Crystalline Grid Carrier - Unity timeline:
Quantum physics has helped us to
understand that every single thing - matter in the Universe is comprised of
Energy – God as well. So the OM (omniscient moment)/God particle has its own
microprocessor clock frequency centered on 4x1024Hz (four times ten
to the forty second power of pulse per second, Hz is the unit measurement of
frequency). This frequency is of an astronomical value by virtue of the fact
that it has to accommodate the signature tones of all entities/kingdoms in all
the universes. This wave is also known as the fundamental frequency of all life
– the Christ consciousness pilot. Our final objective on these myriad journeys
to reconnection would be to raise our vibrations/frequency to eventually attain
this value and become a fully integrated Christed being.
Gaia is shifting and raising her
vibrations analogous to the other kingdoms on earth and it is this frequency
rise of her clock frequency that is responsible for the speeding up of time as
we now experience in 3D – the faster the microprocessor speed/frequency, the
more versatile and rapid her tasks are executed; hence the notion of time
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the basis for modern
civil time and follows International Atomic Time and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
is an older standard adopted from Britain.
For the world to operate on a unified
time platform, it is imperative to have all the major clocks on the globe synchronized
to one single accurate/stable clock piloted by the atomic time for precision –
master clock. And this is achieved through connecting all clocks to the master
clock by a wave called the pilot carrier.
So the crystalline grid carrier serves
the same purpose as the pilot carrier from the master clock to all other
clocks; it connects all entities/kingdoms to the OM wave – the unity time line.
This means that our local processors are permanently connected to the unity
time line and lack of spiritual practice would considerably deem/diminish the
quality of the link; our interaction with Source (God is speaking to us all the
time – is a gigantic/infinite transmitter permanently broadcasting to the universe
and it is left for us to just synchronize our clock frequency to that of the grid/timeline
to reap the benefits). As we grow and integrate more light, as we strengthen
our connection, the quality of our transmission improves (communication to and
from Source) - more of the divine becomes available to us.
Ringing in the ears/high pitch tones
therefore is the resultant frequencies (harmonics and side bands) perceived
during the fine tuning/calibration of our clock frequencies/signature tones to
the unity time line as we raise our vibrations to adjust to our new working
points and as we down load/upgrade shift/ascension frequencies. If it were
possible for us to actively connect to our subtle body, we would be able to
hear this unity time line carrier permanently pulsing. Prayer/Meditation/Trance
states are some of the methods we deploy here in 3D to monitor this grid/pilot/time
line and taping into this signal would greatly enhance our LoA/Co-creational
Tom Pafe, spiritual scientist.