We are winding down the eclipse season with a stellar show of force. Not only do the skies present us with a final spring lunar eclipse, but next week you can look into the evening sky and actually view Jupiter, Venus and Mercury. This planetary trio will not be visible again like this until October 2015.
Symbolically it’s a fortuitous meeting of three friends; Jupiter rules expansion and having the courage to take risks. Venus brings her light hearted spirit, and finally, Mercury has good news to deliver. The Full Moon is in Sagittarius, a sign symbolized by the rainbow. Symbolically, rainbows bridge the physical and spiritual worlds, and also deliver good news. The cosmic mission of Sagittarius is to experience truth and dispel the darkness of doubt. You can see that our Full moon this weekend has a large mission.
The Solar eclipse of May 9th was in Taurus, and the lunar eclipse of May 24th is in Sagittarius. It’s important to understand how each of these eclipses impacts your life. For me, this means changing my physical world (1st house Taurus) and my relationships (7th house Sagittarius which includes YOU)
So, in alignment with the spring eclipses, I have made a commitment to 7 AM yoga classes; and to attune my 7th house Sagittarius energy I am doing things I have never done before: here’s one -
The Nitty Gritty
Taurus is a sign of stabilization and manifestation. As a fixed earth sign, Taurus reveals how and where you will ground your energy and make something of value. By identifying how the sign of Taurus functions in your astrological profile, you know where to consciously apply your energy through consistency and building a solid foundation.
Sagittarius is a sign of reaching out for experiences and then coming to an understanding of how energy works in alignment with Higher Consciousness. That’s a lofty assignment. Like his avatar the archer, Sagittarius is always searching for the end of the rainbow. It also shows where you may attract some good luck.
Although it is scientifically considered to be a slightest of eclipses, the degree (4 Sagittarius) is near the fixed star Antares, one of the 4 Royal Stars of ancient astrology. Antares is said to be the home of Archangel Uriel, the angel of Mars who watches over thunder. Uriel is noted for his intervention on behalf of protecting the human race, and was the Angel who warned Noah of a giant flood.
The problem this month has been a long lasting square aspect between Uranus and Pluto (exact on the 20th) combined with a multiple of off-balance aspects. Translated – to get anywhere, we have to make adjustments and shift priorities. The good news is – Saturn and Pluto, two of the most difficult planets are playing nicely now; it’s unruly Uranus who is stirring the pot. Since Uranus’s cosmic job description is to be a catalyst for change, I guess this means everything is normal and good.
Why Does Astrology Work?
“Each of us was born at the very moment that gave us the best opportunity to become more like the Light and ascent to a higher level of consciousness. . . Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could hand us a map to help us drive around all the trouble spots? Well, there is such a map. The map clearly identifies the sort of choices we’ve made before and suggests alternative routes for reaching the best destination we can hope to attain on this particular trip; it’s right there in the genetic code of our souls, otherwise known as our astrological chart.
“ Rav Berg ; Kabbalistic Astrology
More Rainbow Gold
The rainbow also unfolds the 7 chakras, or energy centers of life. The 7 colors represent qualities for us to incorporate into a healthy and holistic life. Emanuel Swedenborg identifies these human qualities as follows:
Red: Outward Good. This color relates to what is good and loved at the outward or world level as we first encounter it, to what is loved and desired for oneself.
Orange: Mercy. This is the color of compassion and concern, where one am not prepared to go ahead at the expense of someone else. This first rung of the spiritual ladder brings us to a softening of the heart.
Yellow: Grace. Grace changes the way we think, bringing a life-giving sunshine quality to our thoughts. It is the quality in the mind that counsels and promotes kindliness.
Green: Life. the color of the living planet, of growth and fruitfulness as opposed to mere existence.
Blue: Truth. “truth transparent from good”, truth or wisdom revealed through the experience of life … of the evergreen life of growing in spiritually directed service to others.
Indigo: Wisdom expressed as Mutual Care. It is the holistic ideal finding fulfillment with no distinction being made between the importance of what is mine and what is yours … they are one because we are one.
Violet: Peace, Innocence and Love. No doubt, fear, anxiety, – going beyond the absence of tension, trial and temptation to enter the states of peace innocence and love.
Emanuel Swedenborg [1668 - 1772] was a Christian mystic who believed that he could communicate with spirits, and In Earths in the Universe, it is stated that he conversed with spirits from Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Venus, the Moon, as well as spirits from planets beyond our solar system. From these ‘encounters’ he concluded that the planets of our solar system are inhabited, and that such an enormous undertaking as the universe could not have been created for just one race of people; nor one ‘heaven’ derived from it.
As Above, So Below
All of the celestial Lights illuminate a pathway on our journey through life on earth. Used correctly, astrology can only enhance your way and make each day brighter. Sending blessings and wishes that you will find your pot of gold!
©Maya White/ White Star LLC/ 2013
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