~Our true home is in the present moment.
To live in the present moment is a miracle~
-Thich Nhat Hanh
~Marie Madeline Lemos~doran:
Hello bright soul , I am honored to journey with u, I share what I think and perceive, yet I must admit , that I speak at times from my heart, others from my light, I will define who is speaking, for there are many messages of light I will share; and then there the times when I am just me, simple earthling pondering, questioning reasoning and reaching out for assistant and enlightenment from u, and your light.
Us together as one reflecting on our lives with it's problems, and caring enough to share different paths to inner peace. sharing our joys , blessings and such to help one another along. For the path is sometimes rocky, and we will need to love and stay focused, enpassioned to be of service to the light and our family of man.
I thank u and am honored , that you are one with us sister or brother, and have come to share, for this is a place dedicated to light, peace, love and our family of man. We share one thing in common we have all made a stand for the choice of peace , and our goal is to lead all nations to peace..We will achieve the goal we seek in compliance with the message of light at the birth of the anointed one , Peace on Earth Good Will towards man..
Blessed we are by this journey, blessed we are we found one another this was the divine plan and why we were enlightened with the blessing of internet..We are one, one voice, one choice, one love , one light, one universe , one earth, one vision, one command, one reason, one season of life. One message, one heaven, on earth. One legacy, for our family of man. We are one, we are change, we stand up for peace, for the man who never stands up for anything will fall for everything..
There is a need for us to hasten our step to reach everyone across every nation and let us direct and take back control of our government . For to war we did not agree , we harm no living thing, We are one we are change we will overcome.. If u would care to share in this I will gladly send it along, my journey is long , the path at times rocky, I work night and day and speak differently to everyone, as situations demand, to speak to my fellow man.
Use songs u may not want to hear that carry impact, use language at times u may not like and consider lack of tact. when I speak to those that lived and grew in ghettos, i speak in terms they understand, differently to the middle class, I am even capable of speaking well, to the elite,.leaders of nations, and corporations these are my blessings. That are blessing from the light , instructions, words. thoughts and sentiments to reach everyone. I write open letters to all and their family of friends, for I am compelled by the light to reach out to everyone I can .
I am directed enpassioned and journeying with light.. so if u like myour site, be welcome to share here, for each beam of light makes us stronger, and the beam of light I shine on u today is to let u know u r loved, I invite u to be a part, of a passion and a choice, critical it is, for time is of the essence, and we can and will overcome as one. and know this to be true I journey to make peace for u and our family of man.
Blessings all light peace and love NAMASTE