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Rites- ENG











Children of the Sun Rites of Passage


7 Rites, 7 Seals, 7 Gifts


September 25 to November 11, 2011



We are preparing to enter through the eye of the needle, the ring-pass-not between this reality and the ascended realms. Now is the time to look within, piercing into the deep recesses of our being to ensure there is nothing that will stand in the way of our Group Avatar liberation.



Rites of Passage


The seven Rites of Passage initiate the required levels of mastery that support the most powerful level of participation in the activation of the 11-11-11 Stargate.   


Each Rite takes us on a guided journey to the Source of our Being while focusing upon a particular I AM Avatar principle. This experiential focus will serve as a stimulus to kindle the Divine Remembrance of the New Earth codes residing in our Divine Blueprint. As we fire these codes into full momentum, we ready ourselves to act as living Stargates who are prepared to support the primary portal activation.  


  • Preparing the Temple

These Rites gift us with the sacred checklist, so to speak; to insure that the Temple is in order and to make last minute refinements within our conscious body vehicle. This is not instruction. It is vibrational attunement to fuel the firing of the DNA that is already unraveling.       


  • Pivotal Planetary Service

Just as the Ascended Masters deliver these Rites to us through our messengers, we then serve as a mighty group channel to deliver the energetic transmission through the planetary Crystalline Grid to all Humanity.   



7 Rites in 7 Weeks


Beginning on the first Sunday following the Equinox, we come together as One upon the planetary Crystalline Grid to undergo the first of seven Rites of Passage into the New Earth. This is a sacred act of review together with support from the Ascended Masters, within the merkaba of our Group Avatar vehicle.


As we draw closer to the 11-11-11, we purge ourselves completely of the past and welcome the rebirth of our Divine Blueprint as we reach the conclusion of our earthly initiations.  













RITE OF PASSAGE #3        


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The Rite of Purity

A one week focus: October 9-15, 2011


 Audio Support



Please enter this experience with humility and grace, surrendering all expectation. These Rites can be taken diligently each day or as often as it feels comfortable and suitable for your personal preparation.

The audio is simply guiding support, the more real understanding comes from your relationship with God and communication from your Soul as to the exact understandings you are meant to have at this time.  












Firing the Grid in Africa

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Return of Reverence for the Divine Mother

and the Restoration of Original Purity   




We now ready ourselves as One Group Avatar, to transmit the purest crystalline light through the grid and into our beloved Mother Africa... known as the cradle of Humanity. Africa provides a comprehensive and contigious time line of human development going back at least 7 million years.

Our beloved Motherland has been holding the karmic rod for the entire race since the dawn of Humanity. We are now called to assist Africa in an extraordinary redemptive process as we make ready for the First Wave of Ascension. It is so important that we give our all to support our dear African family in liberating this continent thereby affecting the entire planet from the implant of suffering and slavery.

In this outward transmission, we are firing the Grid in Africa by creating a huge vortex of energy in which the divine feminine presence can more easily enter and be received by the people. We are calling for the precipitation of several interdimensional Venus portals which will serve as great pillars of light in every country on the African continent. The incoming streams of Venusian light will be greatly amplified through the Golden Sun Discs at Giza and Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, all stabilized through the radiation of several adjacent Ascended Master retreats. 

With the masterful support of the Ascended Host and the amplification of our united invocations through the Golden Sun Discs, we effectively suffuse the crystalline grid with the cosmic light of PURITY... bringing forth the return of innocence. Our collective focus will manifest an energetic container that will allow for the most powerful waves of Divine light to purify and prepare Africa in a great balancing of its electromagnetic field.  














Firing the Grid in Africa


Daily.. October 9-15, 2011   





We are transmitting through the Crystalline Grid from the Ascension Temple over Luxor, Egypt.   

The energy matrix is supported by adjacent Ascended Master Sacred Fire Retreats. 

The Grid pulsations are amplified by the Golden Solar Discs of Giza, Egypt and Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.  











Please join us in the powerful planetary service.


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With support from:

The I AM that I AM

The Divine Feminine Forcefield of God

The Great Golden Sun Disc of Giza, Egypt and Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

The Planetary Crystalline Grid

Children of the Sun Group Avatar 

The Great Host of Ascended Masters and their Legions of Angels and Sacred Fire Radiation:          



flame-pinkThe Arabian Retreat of the Great White Brotherhood
Transfiguring Flames of Divine Love      



flame-whiteThe Ascension Temple of Luxor, Egypt
The Ascension Flames       



flame-opalThe Temple of Light over Sicily
The Crystal Prism Flames and Crystal Fire Mist

flame-violetThe Retreat of Justice over Ghana
The Transmuting Violet Flames    

flame-greenThe Temple of Healing over Fatima, Portugal
The Emerald Flames of Healing   



flame-violetThe Elohim Retreat over Luanda, Angola   

The Violet Flames of Mercy, Forgiveness and Transmutation



flame-whiteThe Purity Retreat over Madagascar
The White Light Flames of Purification 


We would be so honored if you could join us... daily on your own time, October 9-15, 2011.


