Susan Holland: The Divine Feminine from the Sisterhood of Light

Doreen Smith's picture
Susan Holland June 11, 2013
reblog from April 17, 2013

We communicate to you today through the group consciousness of the Sisterhood of Light. We wish to welcome you to us as we have been welcomed to your earthly plane again. Our presence has grown stronger amongst you since the planetary alignments that culminated in winter solstice 2012. The home of our presence is situated in the Andes and we hold a remit to return the spiritual light of our beloved Mother God amongst you all. For she has missed you and yearns to return to your awareness and to enfold you in her beautiful heart and to share her wisdom with you again. For now is the time for the rays that emanate from Mother God to be anchored once again on your earthly plane as you have requested that a culture that reveres and celebrates the feminine in her most beautiful form flourishes among you again. As it did in the time of Lemuria which anchored a gentle, loving vibrational quality that allowed its people to express their peaceful wisdom and loving hearts.

Blessed be. From the heart of mother god to you there is only warmth, light and loving celebration of your unique beauty.


