Numerology And The Magic Of Numbers

Lia's picture


Number Code

NUMBER CODE( Pythagoras Theorem )


All numbers are added together to produce a single number.

Name Number Vibration

Mary Smith = 4197 + 14928 = 21 + 24 = 3 + 6 = 9

Destiny Number date of birth

15-02-1985 = 6 + 2 + 23 = 8 + 5 = 13 = 4

Add your name number to your Birthday number to find your Soul Number

Marys soul number: 9 + 4 = 13 = 4

Relationships: add both your soul purpose numbers together to find the vibration you hold as a couple. You can now apply this same formula to all of your questions such as what is the vibration of my house or is that day a fortunate one for my wedding or job interview.

House Vibration: use full address: 52 Seven street, Mount Clairvoyant. Combine both your house number with the name number of each person occupying the house to find their personal vibration to the property.

Special date: 01-11-2014 = 1. Combine date with your soul mission number to find the vibration that day holds for you.

Number Meanings



Success but not without hard work, achievement on all levels, direct route or path, personal power, spirit and determination, spiritual tones, progression and movement, ambitious and willing to learn, focus and intelligence, new beginnings.


A strong dominant nature with soft undertones. A strive to win attitude with integrity. Make loyal friends to those they trust. Competitive and like to stay in control of themselves.



Harmony and its opposite, Intuition, telepathy, partnerships business or otherwise, yin and yang, devotion and spirituality. Marriage, communication, charm and adaptability, twins, passive.


Sociable creature with a tendency to be co-dependent, unselfish but cautious, pays attention to detail but is also flexible and adaptable. A little pessimistic and emotional characters. Great fun friends and are infectious to be around.



Positivity, magical and talented, imagination, pleasure and passion, self-expression, successful, past, present, future, psychic development, energy and abundance, adventure and freedom, charm, artistic.


Open minded and youthful, optimistic, inspired, enthusiastic with a good sense of humor, a little moody but sociable, communicative and enjoys making new friends, brave with a sense of wanting to protect.



Endurance, grounded, four directions, four elements, powerful energy of the square, nature, solid foundations, progress, justice, wisdom, honesty, trust and dignity, high morals.


Strong willed sense of tradition and dependable with a loyal nature. Patient organized and has a system and order for things. Hardworking constructive and make good teachers in their chosen profession, stubborn, practical.



Adventure, motion, radical change, unpredictability, travel, mind, body, spirit, active, freedom, wildness, journey, courage, flair, actor, vitality, healing, invention,  choice, boldness, spiritual growth.


Are natural story tellers, resourceful and thinks outside the square, clever and witty, spontaneous, magnetic attraction, motivational although sometimes lacking motivation in themselves, flamboyant.



Harmony, love, spiritual and mental balance, enlightenment, diplomacy, faith, peace, self-sacrifice, protection, home and family, solutions, reliability, empathy, material, firmness with care.


Humanitarian, activist, finance, make good parents, strive for unconditional love, family orientated, charitable, honest, idealistic, sometimes lacks self-confidence, self stress, responsible, need to be in touch with their emotions, peace maker, vain.



Clairvoyance, magical forces, awareness, spiritual path, godly, esoteric, scholar, conscious, science, philosophy, knowledge, ritual, good fortune, logic, secrets, peace, angelic, collective consciousness.


A natural healer and parent, strong intuition, thoughtful, caring and compassionate, eccentric with an inner knowing of purpose, sensitive toward others feelings, on a spiritual path to understand and learn from their emotional make up, proud individuals, need for alone time, impatient.



Opportunity knocks, the divine cycle of life, success, repetition, wealth, manifestation, fact, ego, karma, challenges, skill, strength, authority, insight, greed, transformation, abundant.


Business minded, self superiority, realistic and straight talker, patient, pragmatic, concern for money and material freedom, confident, self-reliant, practical, self driven with the energy to change the world given the chance, capable.



Accomplishment, reward, influence, inventive, positive, psychic, medium-ship, universal connection to spirit, romance, humility, vision, sympathy, understanding, inner wisdom, world view, Zenith, spiritual law.


Born light-worker, artistic, holds a higher perspective than most, seer, an old soul, leads by example with charisma, romantic, sensual, generous, mindful, genius, influential people, optimistic with a strong sense of sympathy and compassion, other worldly, self-pity.

Ian Scott