Since the Tenth Gate Activation, there is the very strong sense that something HUGE is happening on a scale so vast that we cannot yet see the full magnitude of it. The Wheels within Wheels are turning on a massive, unprecedented scale.
In September a huge RESET took place. This RESET loosened us from our old foundations, setting us free from the places where we had been the most stuck. We passed the point of NO DOWN - NO RETURN and from that moment forward, we knew that we could not return to The Way Things Used To Be. It set the Wheels within Wheels into motion. They are now turning on multiple levels.
In October we are walking through the corridor between September's RESET and an even larger RESET which will occur on November 11th (11/11/11). October is the time for incorporating and implementing the profound changes created by September's RESET into every aspect of our daily lives. We are learning totally new ways of doing everything. We are letting go of searching and trying to make things happen. Instead, we are being wide open and allowing everything to click into position within its perfect timing. We are leaping into action with our full beings. This will help us get ready for November's even larger RESET.
Right now it feels like many elements of our lives have been thrown up into the air from the Winds of Change. We don't yet know what will land and what will disappear. Many of us don't know where we will land. Or what we will do when we get there. This is why we need to stay wide open and spontaneous. Anything can happen at any time. Change can come from any direction. And the Unexpected is all around us.
During September's RESET, the Wheels within Wheels began to turn. This is of extreme importance. The last time the Wheels within Wheels started turning was during the First 11:11 Activation on January 11 -12, 1992. Now they are turning again....
When the Wheels within Wheels turned in 1992, it called forth the Silent Watchers. It was one of the signs they were waiting for. Now that the Wheels within Wheels are turning again, it is different. This time, their movement is created by the activation of the Silent Watchers who are now consciously here in human embodiment as True Ones.
When the Wheels within Wheels turn, they set off a powerful trigger that extends far beyond our present knowing. It's like endless rows of dominos beginning to fall into their correct positions from a single trigger. This extends outwards in all the directions. When this happens, it signifies a massive, unprecedented, quickening of our evolutionary process.
In October we will be strongly pushed into our True Lives. It's like traveling in an accelerated hot air balloon that is taking us into our True Lives, whether or not we think that we are ready for them. We may not know exactly where we are going or what will happen when we get there, but here we are, up in the air, traveling at a rapid speed. The best thing we can do is be open and allow things to happen while constantly inhabiting the Expanded HERE and NOW. Then, simply enjoy the ride.
For some, this will be Shocktober rather than October, as we may feel ripped out of our old normal lives and thrust into unknown territory. The untrue will dissolve right before our eyes, allowing us to see beyond the illusion. We will be healing numerous old wounds of the past that we've carried with us for a long time. This will happen because they can't coexist within the resonance of a True One.
October will be the time to FINALLY BREAK FREE from the past on ALL LEVELS in ALL ASPECTS. In business and relationships, we have to follow our heart and step out of our old patterns. Some of us may experience occasional panic attacks caused by any lingering fears of the Unknown we are still carrying within us. It's good to remember that whenever we feel fear, this means that change is near. Whenever we are thrown off balance, we need to re-center ourselves as a True One and remember that ALL IS WELL, despite all outer appearances.
October is very New, especially given the incredible 10th Gate Activation last month. However because of that extreme Newness, it's like a birth, where like a newborn baby, we have to get used to our new environment and learn to do everything as if we were doing it for the first time.
Solara's complete OCTOBER 2011 Surf Report and Weekly Updates are available by subscription in English, German, Hungarian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
We are far more free than we allow ourselves to be!
All material copyrighted 1989 -2011 by Solara. All Rights Reserved.