Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation
With unified meditation, receiving and transmitting during 4 synchronized times:
Sydney, Australia: 8 pm Country of India: 8 pm Paris, France: 8 pm New York, USA: 9 pm
The Rite of Purity Transmitting from Egypt
Personal Sessions of Support with our Light Transmission Team
Blessings Dear Light Teams,
This is a session of direct energy transference and is set into momentum through your commitment and intention to receive and surrender to the required life changes.
As you submit a request of support, you are assisting in the core transformation for the our Group Soul and for the planet! Each release, each healing, each a'haa moment affects everyone, greatly propelling our ascension momentum.
Session of Support: Registration
The suggested energy exchange is a love donation or "pay it forward".
Group Unity and Planetary Service
Join The Center of Illumination
This is our private site for team communications which offers invaluable support in these times of the great shift. Our online gathering features the latest news articles from other lightworkers and networks, COS group activities, individual assistance and the sharing of resources to greatly assist in each other's mission of ascension.
Join as a GEO Light Team
The Light Teams and their developing regional Foundations serve as conduits for the high frequency and transforming photonic energies that accelerate and stabilize the mass awakening and planetary shift.
Join our Light Transmission Team
Your service is in support to all people registering to receive energy healing/transformation support in addition to any planetary event that may require collective energy transmission assistance. |