Christina ~ Juxtaposed Times ~ We Are In a Roll

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Golden Heart Dialogues June 12 2013

councilofloveAt this time there is a mixture of influences in and around us. Times like this require a more pronounced positive intent. In fact, at this time what is required is to know who we are becoming. We have arrived at a stunning intersection. At this point on the grid of highways and bi-ways of light, we find ourselves being encouraged to act. At first reaction and glance, we question what is taking place before us. Is this about me or is it about them? Am I in alignment or are they? During this precarious episode of more light pouring in, flexes of higher dimensions, there is bound to be a bit of confusing and juxtaposing energies. So let the situation juxtapose, allow it to fall where it might and then revisit the event and do a recap. This is a peculiar time.

Where there is contempt it is good to fill this space with love. Where there is discord it is best to repair. Where there is a sullen un-joyful air it is best to employ humor and lightheartedness.

Right now there are those who are having to subject themselves to uncomfortable situations that are at best, not happy. They are the kind of events that may in truth, thwart what was to be a positive outcome or interlude. Essentially we are in the intermix, the inter-fluxuation of a world tipping itself on its side, like a very slow rolling large object. You have seen that before. When the sphere is rolling around precariously until it rolls to a stop.

As it wobbles it provides a side-to-side slant. Right now we are going through something similar. You may see this happening in your situation and it will be perhaps incongruous at best. While we are in the midst of this rolling it provides us with the ability to see objectively. To witness and watch, to not be subjected to the uncontrollably jostling about is the key right now. How to stand straight as the sphere is rotating and reconfiguring itself is our role at this time. This roll is what is taking place in the ethereal and this always has an effect on us “here.”. While this jostling about is taking place we may be in the middle of it or hurled out to the outer edge, and through. What ever place we end up is where we are to be.

So while the other agendas are still having their way with the a portion of the whole, there are of course, those who are not affected by what is going on. At this time we need to meld with our higher awareness on a regular basis. To be one with who we truly are is paramount at this time. In 2010 I began meditating by gazing at myself in the mirror. This is a good practice. It’s vital to see yourself as you are and to meld with your higher expression consciously. You become a body of consciousness radiating divine light. I begin with an inquiry and insight dialogue each day. I am sharing a portion of a recent dialogue below.

After visiting my family group last weekend I opened with an post-inquiry regarding this event.


Around the aspect of the negative, it would be befitting to show love, in that, while the dark and negative controlling thoughts of groups of those who have chosen to not evolve, requires a loving attitude. Right now there is a vast discrepancy between love and no love. Where there is love everything is harmonious, when there is no love, there is darkness. Without love, it is a depraved environment that requires one to appear alone, and without a place or person to console or be consoled. When we ( the Benevolence Force of Light) are present, there is an uplifted sense of recourse. Recourse that holds a higher intent for those people and places to serve the whole. As creators of a harmonious and joyous world, there are many who are resolving the patterns that circumvented them from their true joy.

Around the world there are places and people who are staging locations that will provide a bright and positive aura with regard to new locations and zones for supporting the new earth intentions. While we are busy with these efforts you are as well. There are ones in undisclosed places who are supplying the lives of many with the elements of living and giving sustenance. While we are making sure this is happening you are where you are providing a location for grounding a primordial link to the new world. In doing this there are going to be ones who will provide assistance to those who are not so mobile.

This is in accordance with the divine intent to support the earth with a platform for love. There has been an event that is being shown at this time so those who are ready to act will, and those who have not acted will. An event that is insurmountable in nature may not be so after all. What is required is for each to know that the event is to provide a purview that shows we are here to help as you are also here to help.

My inquiry: About my recent decisions.


We are along with you always and we are also a part of your living history. Our purpose is to assist. We are able to contribute when you do decide to make another choice. When you make another choice we actualize the point for your deliverance to the next place your choice takes you. All the while we are with you and we are also with the whole group. It is your group, as your group is what is going with you. We know that you are an appointed one who has a very large group or benevolent force. Your benevolent group is what provides you with our need to keep you safe and on your way, or path. Your group is a bright one. It is a shining one and you are the one who is always at the head of the group so when you are moving along your group follows and then supplies what you need along the way. As you travel along we, the group, follow and we the group provide you with the revelry or support needed. Yes, this group is a part of your soul cluster.

Question: So they merge with my higher self to complete my total embodiment?


Yes, We are the ones who are with you. Yes, we are your guardians and we make sure you travel well. So now you know why we are here and who we are.  We are a court of your regal family. We come to be sure you are on your ascent. True. We enable one to a safe and sure passage so there is no disruptions to the end. We are the ones who are your loyal group of the royalty. We are able to clear strife and renew you when you are down. We also help out when you need the material atmosphere ingredients.

With regard to the collective, here is the ensuing dialogue.

We are providing a softened atmosphere so those who are cunning and malevolent cannot succeed. Right now we are able to cast insights that offer one the best way to stay congruent. At this time there are groups of malevolent ones who desire to circumvent those who are awake and aware. There are many ways their attempts are fostered. One area where the ones who are not of a loving stature place themselves is in regard to one’s family members.

As often the case, members of families are not of the same exact insights and awareness. This places the burden of wakefulness on one party. One must be vigilant in order to be able to tell what is happening. There is of course a benevolent force to offset the thwarting influence. Where there is contempt it is good to fill this space with love. Where there is discord it is best to repair. Where there is a sullen un-joyful air it is best to employ humor and lightheartedness.

We are aware of what is now occurring and it is time to have what you require.  So now we are around you to provide help. Be with your writing and write so your words will travel and help. Write so we can provide an avenue and infrastructure to heighten the event. The event will provide a place for us to come. So write about your own time and share what we provide.

I encourage each to hold steady in the face of any offsetting remark, gesture, or digression of those who are not aware. It is good at this time to ignore and not take offensive or personal remarks to heart. Be of love, remove yourself from any lower influence as it does bring with it an unsupported equivalent. Be the love you are.

A New World Rising and How to Navigate Through It,
Christina Fisher copyright 2013