Valerie Donner ~ A Messages From Master St.Germain ~14 June 2013

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Greetings, I am St. Germain. I am pleased to speak with you again.

You can’t take anything for granted and you can’t shirk your responsibilities. As a Master I can tell you this is the most pivotal time on the Earth.

I follow your progress and you are rich in your results. There is so much more to do in this complex ascension process. A lot is going to be required of you particularly in the area of your attitudes. A positive attitude will carry you a long way. If you rise above the turmoil and the fear based thinking you will see there are ample opportunities for you to be of service.

Starting with yourself is the most important thing you can do. Take responsibility for thoughts, words and actions. Gather with other like-minded friends. Invite us in to help you to make plans and carry them out. Be open to connecting more with the space brothers and sisters that are also waiting to carry out their parts of the Divine Plan.

There are reasons for everything and little by little you will see that more of the truth is coming out. The shakeup will be many as people are awakening you will see increasing implosions within old systems as the dark is forced to back away. They are slipping and losing control so imagine how much fear they are facing.

Remember to use some of the techniques that are always available to you like asking us for help, being grateful, using the Violet Flame for transmutation, going for freedom, expressing your selves, and creating peace. The alchemical processes in place now will impact life on the Earth in major ways. Be a part of this process.

Remember to wear purple too. It is the highest vibrational color and you need to raise your vibrations.

I am St. Germain and I am always ready to assist you. / link to original article