Larry Larson – Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal – I Wonder What Source Is Going To Do About This? – 16 June 2013

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 Twelve Insight Journal June 16, 2013

Reader: Besides developing greater understanding and healthier strategies for living, I’ve always wanted to experiment with invention and the development of better, safer technologies. Is it possible, working more directly with Inner Source, to develop safer and cleaner sources of energy, for example? It would require an expansion of our self concept. Is the struggle for new understanding just as important as the new understanding itself?

The better your conscious connection with Inner Source, the easier any of this is going to be for you. That is why we are here to teach you the art of reconnecting—of reconfiguring—your connection with Source of All. It is just your sense of disconnection that is causing your disconnection, you see. The thing that you have been searching for has been with you the whole time.

So you have really hit the nail on the head when you say an expansion of self concept is needed. That is a lot of what our work is all about—assisting you in the realization of who you really are. Once you have that sense of your greater self imbedded in your beliefs and actions, then it won’t matter what you are trying to create, because you will have your hands on the great nozzle that sprays forth all of creation.

Struggle kind of implies that you are trying too hard, you see. Source doesn’t have to struggle to create anything…and neither do you.  Easy is better. So unless you are trying to create struggle for some specific purpose, like some kind of sporting game or mountain climbing or warring, then we would deliberately leave struggle out of it and expect ease.

So you can create safer energy, or whatever thing it is you wish to create, but allow the process to flow through Source-You, rather than through focused you. The focused you, the you that is here in physical form to experience the contrast and vividity of physical life, is just a limited part of who you are. It is the tip of the iceberg that is you. The broader you, the parts that are non-physical, are the much greater portion of your being: You are bigger than you think.

So we think you will have a much easier time of creating if you will allow your greater non-physical Source-Self to do the heavy lifting.  When you catch yourself asking that question “what am I going to do about this?” you will save yourself infinite struggles if you will instead ask “I wonder what Source is going to do about this?”

Your job is simple. Just put forth your request vibrationally, establish the sense that it is something you already have, and then go forth into your world knowing that all is well. Pay attention and appreciate the things that please you, and pay little attention to things that don’t.

We would rather see you creating a dozen wonderful little things every day than creating that one, all-important, big thing that you want. Because when you understand the process whereby Source creates all those wonderful little things through you, then you have your hands on the Nozzle of Creation. You are directing Source, and that is your purpose. Then the big things will come just as easily.

What is it you say…”think globally, act locally”?  Do that with Source. Think of the big things you want, and then get the little things flowing right. You will then be amazed at the big things that also work out. Life and creation are meant to be easy and fun.

Namaste, ~Twelve / link to original article
