~10~11~11~~Review of Matthew’s October Message~

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~Review of Matthew’s October Message~

by Love Reporter Steve Beckow

Allow me to review what Matthew has told us this month. There is much in Matthew’s latest discussion that is very encouraging and affirmative. Some may not wish to hear the matter re-discussed, but others may wish to review what he’s said to really get the matters he discussed fixed in our minds. I personally like to study each of Matthew’s messages at length because he gives us detail we often get nowhere else.  So read or don’t read, as the spirit moves you.  I am fine with either choice.


Matthew begins his message with one from Gaia, “the soul of the planet called Earth.” She tells what it’s like to be the bearer of so much bloodshed and sorrow and how she is emerging from it. She tells us that three times the number of people who can incarnate during these wonderful times applied to incarnate.  “We are playing a part in the grandest show ever performed in this universe. I feel the humility that mingles with sublime satisfaction for a job well done—in the continuum, our job is completed.” She ends with these words of encouragement:


“As our travels continue, many wonders are in store for you and this world of ours. You have been told of many, so you can think of them and look forward to them, but actually living in the glorious times soon coming is beyond your imagining.


“All beings in this universe are watching this unfold, did you know? I cannot imagine such a vast audience! All the souls of light are cheering for us, so we shall continue giving them a good show, an experience worthy of even God’s applause. I share my heart with you and my love for you is overflowing.”


Matthew also tells us the progress of the work of balancing Gaia. He first directs his attention to the Arab Spring and confirms that the actions of the foreign nations was not self-serving.

“Many view foreign nations’ involvement in ‘Arab spring’ as self-serving—control of oil reserves and extension of military and multinational corporate interests. While that may well be the idea in some greedy, power-hungry minds, it is not the higher purpose and will not be part of the outcome.


Assistance was given to those who are fighting to throw off the yoke of oppressive rule simply because without help, the valiant fighters’ mission could not be successful as universally ordained. Their inspiration to rise up against the status quo and the decision to aid them are positive reactions to the vibrations in the energy planes Earth has been passing through.”


Alas, few of the people making these allegations probably read Matthew, but our acting on what he’s said will nonetheless have an impact on world opinion. Whenever someone stands out from the crowd, for whatever reason, I think it has an impact. And what we’ve been hearing about the Law of Attraction seems to confirm that belief.


He adds that “that energy streamer is just one of a multitude with unstoppable momentum toward world transformation.” He tells us of another – the energy streamer accompanying the defeat of the Illuminati’s financial arm.

“Others include the global economy, which is teetering on the brink and has moved beyond the Illuminati’s ability to manipulate in their favor. Due to demands of the populace, governments that need to be in upheaval, are; and new governing bodies that need to become stabilized are working on that.”

He takes a moment out to mention the Occupy Togerther movement by name: “In the United States, the Occupy Wall Street movement is growing.” He then summarizes the new directions we’re taking:


“Emphasis keeps increasing on peaceful negotiations to national and international conflicts. Petitions are circulating around the globe for clean energy and other environmental preservation measures and to end injustices that formerly the populace felt helpless to change. Community leaders, groups and families are helping their neediest members, and the exchange of goods and services is helping many overcome obstacles and deal with hardships.

“Underlying all of this activity is, people who think of themselves as ‘ordinary’ are doing extraordinary things. Perhaps a few among them understand what is transpiring worldwide and universally, but the great majority is simply following an inner urge to act against the entire spectrum of corruption and inequities, and inspired individuals are opening pathways for the masses to tread.”

I wonder if we get how extraordinary what we’re doing is?  He exhorts us to continue.


“The energy generated by the participants in all reform activities, along with the energy of all who in heart and mind are supportive of those efforts, is observable as light that keeps shining ever more brightly. This is indeed cause for jubilation, but please do not think that holding your light steady is not as necessary now that momentous change is undeniably underway. Your light absolutely is as necessary and valuable—as essential—as ever!”


He cautions us that the Illuminati are dragging their feet and will continue to do so.

“The recalcitrant Illuminati will continue to resist giving up the shreds of power they’re clinging to just as stubbornly as they are trying to hold onto their illegally amassed unimaginably vast fortunes. In their persistent refusal of the light constantly being offered, they are living in a darkness of their own creating that doesn’t let them see what they soon will be forced to acknowledge: Their efforts were futile. Their time is over.


“Others also are stubbornly dragging their feet insofar as embracing the light. They thrived under the old ways of doing business and are stuck in the superficiality and triviality of what they deem social, professional and financial success. Having lost touch with their spiritual nature long ago, they will resist changes that interfere with their comfortable lifestyles.”

For these reasons negativity will continue for a while longer, he says. He then moves on to tell us how to help Mother Earth and the Ascension effort through visualization. He says that imagining is the same as focusing. He then tells us some of the developments we can expect in the future:


“Even more profound experiences await you on a personal level. You will feel your eternal connection with God, by whatever other name you call the Supreme Being of this universe, and you will take your rightful place in our universal family as the brothers and sisters you are.


“You will experience living in the continuum, where all lifetimes are happening simultaneously, and you will travel back and forth between Earth and worlds with compatible energy levels. You will communicate telepathically with souls in spirit and in physical civilizations as you wish, and you will manifest your ideas into forms.


“You will know that you are powerful multidimensional beings and all that knowledge and those capabilities are components of your soul. They don’t require esoteric studies or external instructions—those self-discoveries automatically come with steadfastly living your light and evolving spiritually.”


He then assures us that these things will “will NOT be part of life in the Golden Age: fear, pollution of any kind, religious dogmas, violence, capital punishment and prisons, male superiority, social caste systems, cruelty to any life form, poverty, mind control and closed minds, greed, jealousy, envy, cheating, prejudice, corruption, harmful chemicals and drugs, political haranguing and bureaucratic red tape, wanton destruction, health afflictions, anger, ruthlessness, divisiveness, self-centeredness and egotism, dishonesty, military mentality, weaponry, addictions, pornography, homelessness, slave trade, media control, corporate monopolies.”


That is good news.




He then tells us that all damage to our bodies will be reversed:

“We urge you to stop worrying about the long-term effects of radioactivity from damaged nuclear reactors in Japan, genetically engineered foods, vaccines, and toxins in various forms of pollution. The cells of all persons who absorb the light are being changed to the crystalline form that will ‘shed’ everything with low vibrations that inhibit the ability to function healthfully in body, mind and spirit.”

He reminds us of various situations that will not come to pass.


“In previous messages we mentioned numerous predictions or prognostications that will not come to pass. Now we speak of other situations that have arisen or resurfaced and are causing concerns anew—none of these will happen either: military coups as oppressive as the corrupt governments they ousted; railroad cars transporting thousands to internment camps; biological warfare; holographic displays of an alien invasion as reason to impose martial law; manmade geophysical events that will destroy thousands of miles of coastline; a food shortage so severe that the wealthy will hoard food and the rest of the world will starve; and the control of drinking water.”

He reassures us that “a plan is one thing, bringing to fruition its intended result is quite another.”


“Skirmishes, random violence, political bickering and deprivations will continue as the duality in humankind plays out its final act, but nothing can deter Earth’s exit out of third density at the end of next year.”

He then refers to a part of the Ascension drama that has not been talked about much but which, sooner or later, will need to be discussed more fully. It’s the fact that those who don’t choose to ascend – and it will surely be a substantial number of people – will before the end of 2012 leave the Earth.


“In the interim, a great number of persons will be leaving—everyone who completes the provisions chosen in soul contracts, all who refuse the light, and many others who choose to leave rather than adjust to the mammoth changes forthcoming or believe the truths that will be emerging. All of those souls will have as many opportunities as needed to grow spiritually and intellectually.”


Next he tells us what happened in the underground bunkers and what has happened to some top officials of the Illuminati.  He includes mention of the fact that the Illuminati’s plans to rig bridges with explosives will be prevented in line with Creator’s agreement to allow no more 9/11s.


“You may have heard that two vast underground areas that housed Illuminati-controlled laboratories, vehicles, weaponry, storehouses and living quarters were destroyed, but it was by safe technologies, not nuclear devices; and some within the Illuminati camp have been removed from power, but not by killing them. As both defensive and offensive measures, the light forces use only the power of light and technologies that have no harmful aftereffects.


“They are aware of Illuminati plans, and if those include rigging major bridges with explosives that can be detonated remotely, they are authorized to prevent that. While that might seem to be a violation of Creator’s law of free will, it is not—it is the honoring of Earth’s free will. After 9/11, she chose that any further attempt at terrorism on that scale would be prevented, and by God’s authorization, our universal family has successfully thwarted many attempts.

He tells us animals will ascend and discusses the rejuvenation of our bodies prior to Ascension.


“All persons who accompany the planet into fourth density and journey onwards will do so in their “today” bodies, they will not ‘be issued new’ ones, but aged bodies will be renewed, rejuvenated—’de-aged’—incrementally. Bodies afflicted with disease of any nature will gradually become healed—this includes blindness, deafness, diminished mental capacity, chronic pain, and degenerative diseases—and re-growth of missing limbs and teeth also will happen in stages. Current medication dosages will be determined by the same means as now for the short time that the medication may be needed. Along your journey, all persons will be restored to peak health physically, mentally and emotionally.”


In the remainder of his message, he corrects some impressions about the impact of energies on our bodies and reminds us that pollution will be cleaned up. He then reveals that the dark extraterrestrials living underground will soon be leaving.


“Not all extraterrestrial civilizations are benevolent; however, all civilizations with crews roving in your skies are. The non-lighted beings from other civilizations who are living on the planet will be leaving soon because their bodies cannot survive in the vibratory levels the planet is traveling toward.”

He tells us that many Atlanteans are here offering guidance to avoid a second catastriophe.


“Yes, many former residents of Atlantis have returned specifically to help prevent a recurrence of the cataclysmic destruction that befell that civilization; these souls also have wisdom and leadership capabilities gleaned from many other lifetimes in spirit worlds and other physical civilizations.”

He repeats his own view that we will ascend to fourth density at the end of 2012 and the continue ascending.


“All darkness will be gone when Earth enters fourth density around the end of your calendar year 2012, but not all the glories of her Golden Age will be on that threshold. Wondrous developments will continue to unfold throughout your world, including joyous reunions with beloved souls you knew in this lifetime and will remember from others. It is as Gaia said, ‘many wonders are in store for you and this world of ours.’”

So Matthew has confirmed that foreign help over the Arab Spring is genuinely and peacefully motivated. He has given us valuable details about the destruction of the bunkers.  He reassures us about situations that many people have been worried about such as pollution from the Japanese reactors, the feared imposition of martial law, devastating earthquakes, and things like food and water shortages.


In general Matthew tells us that we can relax and focus on Ascension, that everything is progressing as planned and no dire fate awaits us. One by one, the situations of peril we faced are being cleared up and the way opened for us to relax and prepare for the wonderful events ahead.


