Fuego volcano (Guatemala) activity update: strombolian activity, new lava flow on upper southern flank

Magikalspirit's picture

Volcanodiscovery-June 17,2013

Fuego today with the lava flow towards the Ceniza canyon visible (INSIVUMEH webcam)

Activity has increased during the past days. A new small lava flow started on 14 June on the southern flank and had a length of 300 m this morning.
Explosive strombolian activity has picked up a bit as well. Glowing tephra is ejected to 75-125 m height, and ash plumes rise to 3-500 m above the crater.

Read More: http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/fuego/news/34701/Fuego-volcano-Guatemala-activity-update-strombolian-activity-new-lava-flow-on-upper-southern-flank.html

