Sal Rachele’s Solstice Newsletter June 17 2013
Greetings, Lightworkers, and welcome to another solstice – a time of maximum sunlight for the northern hemisphere and minimal sunlight for the southern hemisphere. Today’s topic is the Apocalypse – the time period we are now living in.
This word has been used in religious scriptures, often with frightening connotations. However, it literally means, “the revealing of that which has been hidden.” In other words, it is a precursor to “a new vision of a Golden Age of peace and prosperity.”
Reaching the new Golden Age is not going to be easy. God is not going to do everything for us. We must roll up our sleeves and get to work building this new world, because we are co-creators with God, not passive recipients.
Before we can create the world we have all dreamed of, everything that is false and negative must come to the surface of consciousness in order to be healed, forgiven and released. That is what we are seeing in the world today. The recent revelation that government agencies are spying on people in America is one example.
In our personal lives, it means telling the truth more completely and openly, especially with ourselves. We cannot stuff our feelings, or pretend they do not exist, or sooner or later they will be “in our face.”
Purification and cleansing is not easy. In fact, for most of humanity, this is the most difficult time ever experienced on planet Earth. Those that steadfastly refuse to wake up, who ignore the more and more obvious messages that things are out of balance, are the ones who will have the hardest time in the years to come.
The systems under which we live are out of balance with the natural laws of the Universe. Our economic systems are based on scarcity and lack, while the Universe is an infinitely abundant place. Therefore, these systems must undergo radical transformation in the years to come, and they will. Whether the transition to a more enlightened way of exchanging goods and services is smooth or rough depends on our state of consciousness. Are we willing to make the necessary changes and go from a mentality of consumerism, to one of responsible stewardship of the Earth? Consumerism is based on the ego perception that we are inadequate and need more and more stuff in order to be okay. This is an illusion, and must, be healed, forgiven and released.