Synchronisity ~ A Memo from Creator Source

TheFlashRon's picture

I'll bet that before 2012 you never even heard of synchronicity. It's an indicator of the mystical, the unexplainable, the Divine. These are memos from God, or Creator Source that remind us that we are eternal beings of Light and to be in peace. When we raise our awareness / vibrations through embodying these reminders we achieve a state of grace, of equanimity. The whole world can be falling apart right before our eyes and we notice with compassion but do not become part of the drama. From that perspective we become empowered to be most effective healers, rebuilders, helpers, teachers, whatever we came here to do. Everyone who is aware enough to be on this or many other sites like this one is here for a very special reason. No one can do your part in the Divine Plan better than you.

You will not fail in your mission.
