Dear Lightworkers of the World
Today I am appealing to all of you. WE NEED YOUR HELP! I am a lightworker from Turkey and feeling slightly isolated but full of hope. Our country is in turmoil, the protests entered its 6th day, and there is unprecedented crackdown of the police that is violent and savage. The protests started to save one of the last green patches in Istanbul, to save Gezi Park, stop the slaughter of 650 trees and prevent a shopping mall built instead. However, these peaceful protesters were violently attacked on Friday and this sparked what has become a fight for freedom of expression, protect constitutional rights, respect to common people, respect to diversity of religion, race and personal choices.
If you want to learn more about the protests please see below links:
People from all ages, all classes and backgrounds are together on the streets. Parents are packing their daughters’ overnight protest packs, grandparents putting together anti tear gas solutions, shop owners donate food and provide shelter. So we are all in this together in more than 100 cities, districts and towns. We have two problems: There is a complete media silence including media giants MSNBC and CNN Turk. We need our voices to be heard. Media blackout needs to stop.
Secondly, during the day the police is still very aggressive, however ironic it may sound, the protesters got used to being tear gassed every 10-30 minutes or so. But when the sun goes down, the older crowd leaves the streets and go back home to support them from their homes, to prepare for the next day and to rest, these young indigos, crystal children, starseeds are left alone and then the real attack by the police starts.
Bloodshed, death, casualties, house raids and torture are reported, we are gathering all the evidence we can and report it to Amnesty International. I have seen many kids with broken noses (apparently that is a common use of police batons), chemical burns, broken legs, dislocated shoulders, etc. And I am in awe of these young people, they are so decent, so peaceful, creative and have such sense of humour it brings tears to my eyes. The number of casualties and deaths are not reported correctly.
And we have missing people. Whole city smells like tear gas and some ‘orange’ gas that was used in Vietnam and banned in the EU and US. People living in the city centres cannot open their windows, they are choking. There is a real health hazard for especially asthmatic, elderly and children. We now have a new word being ‘oranged’.
The orange gas burns your whole body, makes you nauseous, you cannot breathe and your eye sight does not return for about an hour, it is cancerous and banned. The police started to use a new chemical weapon in Izmir yesterday, it temporarily paralyzes, causes nose-bleed and we don’t know what other effects it will have in the future. Going to a hospital is a risky thing to do, the police waits in most of them and gather all the injured even before they are treated. There are some torture buildings that everybody knows and reports but the government refuses any incoming information and requests from the protesters. I am sure I am missing many important points on this message. But I am trying to keep it short.
What we need from you is to share your love and light with us. Please keep us in your prayers, in your meditations. Let’s pray for the best possible outcome. We need you to send AA Michael’s blue light of peace and truth, Raphael’s green healing light,St. Germaine’s Violet Flame, the Mother’s love and any other soothing, helping, healing energy you work with. Please show your support. Please tell us that you are with us. Please share this message. The protesters are at #occupyturkey, #direnankara, #direnizmir, #direntürkiye, #occupygezi, #direnbesiktas, #direnadana, #direnantalya. Facebook page: Occupy Turkey
Thank you very much!