~Where will you BE after this final day? ~

Lia's picture




Hello Family of Light,

As we have entered the final daY, we are Now in the time when all the nine waves, developing at different speeds, will simultaneously come to manifest fully (28 October 2011, 13 Ahau) ...and thus going to be quite complex patterns of overlapping of these waves.
Since the equinox I Am experiencing within the overlapping of my chakra's, many aspects of mySelf, many time~lines, many  incarnations on this Geo~spot :)
  A state of deeper releasing and more cultivating the feeling of Compassion.
Within my growing and ex~panding, I Am merely passing through meeting my soul~family here with some sharings of encouragement and joy and the entry-question above!


It brings Me joy and love that we still have an unquestionable energetic existence :)
As part of the mentioned overlapping, 3D >>> o <<< 5D, I would like to share some of our connections.
Todays full moon in Aries on the 12th of October is about completion and rebirth :)
We are birthing a New World and there are many important aspects for us entering the 7th and final day of the of the 9th wave.

(According to Carl Calleman the 11th of October is the date of the beginning of the 7th and final 'Day' of the 9th Wave of the Mayan Calendar.
The Mayan calendar comes to an end on the 28th of October 2011.)

As we meet our soul family, it is important to remember that the goal is not to create additional karma by the manner in which we handle the interfacing of karmic 3rd dimensional relationships with our 5th dimensional ones. 
All persons possess a soul family. 
It will be up to each of us to lovingly move forward into reunion with our twin~flame and soul~family.

As one twin~flame grows in spiritual maturity, the other twin~flame is positively impacted. 
I cannot imagine willfully choosing any action that would adversely affect my Twin Flame.

Reunion with twin~flames is a part of the ascension process. 
At this point, the majority of twin~flames reside on different dimensions and planets. 
The full consciousness that will be ours in the very near future,
..will bring twin~flames and soul~families together in ways that are loving and create pain for no~one. 

Full consciousness and the 5th dimension are beyond pain.

We will have some powerful energy downloads with the new and full moons and some sobering realizations that will either propel us into new ways of being or depress us more deeply into victim consciousness

We enter the time of big choices, new understandings and a choice for humanity to have the courage to go where it has never been able to go before.

Whatever we choose, the Universe will support us and since we can choose anything, so let's focus on choosing the highest and best for ourSelves and expand our higher consciousness, intentions for joy, love and peace, alignment and integration into the world.

This final 'Day' is about fruition, so let us bring things to fruition before the 11:11:11 portal and activation point.

The reward is an indescribable love that stimulates us to BE all that we can BE. 

You are given a great gift after this final day at the point of ceremonial magic where the key is given to unlock the portal in full openness of the stream of the grand central sun's enlightenment.
The password is told.
Your name is known and you are allowed to have the full understanding and power to manifest a new world.
The key is the energy and intensity of feeling and the password is the central focus and purpose of thought.

The password is:
"I am fulfilled and given all that I wish. In gratitude I know this feeling of bliss, joy and happiness is eternal and I am always given Life, Light, and Love
Our future is very bright as we climb up the ladder once more from 3rd … >>> o <<<  … to 5th dimension!

Leaving You grace~fully and grate~fully with some words of my blueSelf and the latest guru on the block re~versing my entry~question into a final~question :)

Where will you be on 11.11.11 ?

Arrow The 11.11.11 Gathering
We Are One.








