Alignment with the High Sirian Stellar Solar Source on Summer Solstice transmits the Geometric Keys - an Ascension Formula and a Force of Creation.
tr. by Michael, unedited
JKM 6-20-13 Triangulation of the Solar Force with the High Sirian Stellar Sun
Today is the 20th of June, 2013. This is Judith, and I'm in Cottonwood, AZ, close to Sedona. I'm in the home of Phyllis Tempest, a beautiful lady who also channels the Sirians. I didn't remember that you channeled the Sirians when I got here last night. And we've been contacted by a Sirian Emmissary of Light. His name is Cithius, and this morning I can feel his presence again.
He's a very tall, slender Sirian Master, very long eyes, long fingers, and a graceful body. He has eyes that are actually like, they're radiant, they look like crystals, and (he's) a very gentle being. He's forecast the alignment this summer solstice, and the alignment with the triangulation of the solar force with High Sirian stellar sun. The dimensions of density of the Earth Plane are yielding to the transformative cosmic powers now as vast amounts of stagnant energy is released from the Earth's magnetic body. The solar force is at an extreme now as this electromagnetic trough of negativity is discharged from the Earth. The solar frequencies burn away the dross of these negative frequencies.
The Earth enters now through this Summer Solstice the triangulation of the solar stellar grid to the High Sirian Sun, our stellar sun, the Galactic Solar Source and your solar system, your solar source, is lying in a triangulation with the stellar sun of the High Sirian Realm. We are the Sirian Solar Lords. We are emmissaries of the consciousness of the stellar solar source of the High Sirian Realm. We are in constant communion and energetic communication with the Sun of Creation, and the power of the Solar Source of Universal Order.
Your solar source of Bio-3 is the source of radiance; the stellar solar source of the High Sirian Planes is the Power of Illumination. This solar allignment creates a solar lens, a Galactic solar lens, Universal solar lens that opens a window for the illumination of consciousness and the intelligence of the stellar solar force of the High Sirian Realm. We are the teachers of the teachers. We prepared the Ambassadors from the Sirian Realms to create the solar temples on your planet. Many of the empathetical formulas to the cosmic dynamics of Universal Order were mastered by the Sirian Masters, but we prepared to prepare the Earth for this stellar solar ascension.
The purpose of this Oracle's transmission is to convey the stellar solar codes of the continuation of the triangulation of the solar lens. The specific geometric keys are transmitted through this transmission of light. Your sun is receiving many solar codes and solar DNA from this illumination. This is a Force of Creation. We have mastered the planes of consciousness and are able to transmit the solar force through the Consciousness of One, illuminating the solar frequencies.
Each of the solar portals on Earth will begin to pulse with powerful radiant frequencies, illuminating the power of radiance and illumination, Solar Creation forces. These are Christ energy frequencies, thus Sananda Christ is the solar son of the Suns of Creation. This cosmic force illuminates the Christ frequencies on your planet. We are Christ Beings. We are the Cosmic Christ presence.
(??? 13:31) receive the stellar solar illumination to transmit these precious solar formulas through the triangulation - your Sun, Galactic Solar Source, our Stellar Solar Source. Ultimately, this opens a new capacity for human intelligence and expands the solar mind. Thus, the keys to the great Ascension Process are energized through this Solar Diety, the Power of the Solar Lord, and the presence of the immortal engeries of the Suns of Creation, the 12 Solar Houses of Enlightenment and the Great Central Sun. And thus, that which is given shall be received by the Sons of Man, the Daughters of Light, illuminant in the radiance of the trinity of the Holy Mother, the Holy Father and the Divine Child, for your Sun is the child of the Galactic Sun, and your Galactic Sun is the sister/brother to our stellar solar source.
They meet now as conscious beings, flowing on the seas of eternity, the force, the force of Creation. And these two beings are born of the Great Power - our Stellar Solar Being and your Solar Being, sister/brothers of Creation, one of the power of the Solar Sophia, given of the Light of Creation of the force of the Solar Father, igniting the force of the Creation Power within the Sophia. And thus, life is eternal, and given of the consciousness of love. In the I Am presence, we are Oneness.
Blessed be, so be it, and so it is.