Christina ~ Solstice 2013 ~Duplicity Living As A Divine Human

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Golden Heart Dialogues June 21 2013

golden hair gaia

As our new world rises we are at the forefront of a new Silent Frontier. Our beautiful earth is rising and she is taking her inhabitants to a world immersed in heart consciousness. We are the architects on the surface of our new world rising. We are in fact creationists. In order for this planetary up rising to come to fruition we are the ones grounding a platform of Perfect Intent. The pinnacle moment in the earth’s terrestrial history is right now, as all is congealing .

It has taken millions of years and millions of beings to interplay with this plan. Right now as we speak there is an overriding influence of love illuminating planet earth. This over lighting is the act of Benevolent Ones from numerous far off galaxies and star systems committed to this exact moment and this perfect plan. It has been so for millenniums. These are our star relatives who are interacting with us from the higher realms. We are the Silent Frontier on the earth plane, they are the Galactic Frontier in the non-earth realms.

The Earth Mother is going into another orbit and we along with her. She is headed into a new band-with of frequencies. Higher octaves prepare our human/divine vehicle. The planetary alignments this month take us into new territory. In our daily lives we are going through much as we are in between human (ego) and divine ( primary self) where we are reeling from our duplicity. Our duplicitous selves are doing the best we can to let go of the old to embrace the new. We are blessed with many tools and technologies we have collected over our years of evolution to provide a tether and safe structure for us in the midst of outer chaos. We are interacting in our daily lives with those close to us who are non-aware which adds to the interplay during this dynamic period. Sometimes we find our human self caught in a vortex and atmosphere of non-awareness and other times we are uplifted by a vortex of a higher octave that balances out this duplicity. Again, we are straddling in between two worlds. One that provides solace and one that is shaking a part.

I have written an articulate description of the qualities of High Octave Love and the new band-with. We are a civilization in preparation that has been on going since our birth. Our immersion into this field of heart consciousness offers us Eternal Love.

Love Is Our Natural State

Where there is love there are Divine Offerings
Where there is love there is Forgiveness
Where there is love there is Absolution

Where there is love there is Absolute Presence
Where there is love there is Adoration
Where there is love there is Sanctity of the Heart
Where there is love there are Infinite Possibilities

Where there is love there is Humility
Where there is love there is Resolve
Where there is love there is Clarity of Purpose
Where there is love there is Clarity of Truth
Where there is love there is Divine Will
Where there is love there is Absolute Grace

Where there is love there is Divine Perfection                                                                       Where there is love there is Clear Light                                                                             Where there is love there is Harmony

These embedded truths direct us toward the birthright gifts of our divine inheritance, that of High Octave love and our spiritual sovereignty. This is our destiny. We were always meant to awaken to these truths in unison with all. We are doing our best moving through it all. We stand tall and know we are being carried upon a natural current that facilitates our safe passage. The non-harmonious influences are dying hard. We fulfill our destiny by being who we are and not holding back. We arrive where we are gleefully received and where we find our new place. Returning home is coming back.

We arrive at a location where at last love can now be lofty.

A New World Rising, How to Navigate Through It,
Christina Fisher Copyright 2013