I will start by introducing myself to all out there. I'm from the southern part of the planet. the part ya don't hear much of,the great southern land,Australia,Queensland.I started my spiritual journey 18 months ago and apparently it was an activation that was ment to happen at the start of this year.But as we know timelines shift so much these days i was excepted.
My spiritual teacher is something different. He is an activator of the energies that come into this beautiful planet.At first it was hard to be around such powerful energies being grounded.But he knew i could handle everything and the Angels,Archangels let him have an apprentice.Something he was not ment to have being who is and the job he has.When some lightworkers refuse to awaken others take there place.
He has taught myself how important it is to do your energetic work as well as spreading the words of the Light.In fact the energetic work as he keeps telling myself ,is the most important thing in this now moment. And as the GFL tell us this is what will make the biggest difference.I have wittnessed some egos run the other way because of the Light within this beautiful being .I have even stood there and watched police officers fall apart right infront of my eyes because of the massive egos built up from there jobs.They always walk away empty handed and wondering what they just seen and what they felt within themselves.
With faith in self and love and light we all can become very powerful beings of light.All that is needed is faith,dedication and the right teachings on how to keep your chakras,aura and physical self clean and pure.It is not an easy task when surrounded by so much negative 3d and if you are not fully clean of your bad habbits ego will make it a task in stopping you energeticly shifting.
My goal and my powerful friends goal is to bring absolute faith in the love and light, faith that all who want to ascend will ascend. Faith that all we learn about is Real.It is all in front of our eyes now,just give intent to see it,feel it,breath it.Ask for better clarity in all your sences.Everyone has different abilities just find what yours are.Only the other day i had an awosome moment and realized my clarity is focused on Gaia and the nature kingdoms.I see the gem rays and colours that come from Gaia,the aura's of the animals,plants. The newest is seeing non-physical animals and entities,and hearing the trees.And now as we are firmly in 4d i see the energies of all that is all the time.My creator being brother of light has different clarity which comes down to the job he has on and with Gaia.For if he seen what i seen all the time it would be a major distraction in that moment.
Grounding and spreading the amount of energy he pushes out is the most amazing thing to watch.Myself i find nearly everytime he starts his energetic work i go into a lucid dreaming state.Using his diamond heart hand symbol with the suns starts his connection to central sun and Gaia.Then spreading the energy out to all humans using a variety of techniques ,which if not used wisely can potentialy be dangerous.But i can say Kundilinie and Mahattna energy is involved and its how he pushes it out to everyone that makes it so,so powerful.How do i know the power of these techniques is whole nother story for later,but lets just say i was the test subject for what these energies do to us.Our heart connection helped in making safety a non issue.
This is only the start of my story of how the unconditional faith and love of the light has changed my life into a massive ball of Fun.Having full faith that all the changes talked,read about will happen to ourselves and the planet is a hard one to gain. But once you give into the unconditional love and light with full faith the changes in self and the changes around you will kick into light speed.All we need is Love,Light and lots of Faith.Please relize HOPE is revolving circle that goes no where but around and around.Till the next moment brothers and sisters.LOVE AND LIGHT... NIGE..