Magic at Mount Shasta Light Ships, Deer (and Personal De-Crapification)

Lia's picture


Shasta from I-5 (click to enlarge)

Shasta from I-5 (click to enlarge)

This is going to be a fairly short post. It’s late here, and I am sure there will be much more to add at a later time. Anyway, at left you see a view of Shasta after returning from Redding (60 minutes south of here, where there’s a Costco that could replace my soon to fail battery (I’d always buy a battery at Costco… replacement cost = $0.00!!)). This vista point view was marvelous.


Last night (Solstice evening), I saw the first Light Ship over Shasta I had ever seen… first one I’d seen since about 2009, in Kona). It appeared right over one of the peaks, moved slowly up and to the right. It was a definite movement, and we had a conversation.


Shasta at Sunset (click to enlarge)

Shasta at Sunset (click to enlarge)

The ship said that it showed up to validate my trip here, and that I was currently in the perfect space for me at this time. It was also a thank you for the mission we participated in on the 6-15-13.


The first day I was here at Elana’s house, this deer (below) walked casually through the back yard, as if to welcome me here. It was quite special for me, as I had not seen a deer close up like that before.

There’s a helluva lot of clearing going on inside right now, although most of it has to do with releasing fears about “the move”, and how things aren’t the same anymore, the kitties I loved are not with me anymore, and many more things.


Deer in our backyard (click to enlarge)

Deer in our backyard (click to enlarge)

Also, my mission seems to have included a longer stay here than I first envisioned. It seems there was a previous lifetime here as a local native American, and my sense about this now is that I came back help call back some of the original pristine energies to this place. There have been cleansings, and today involved assisting the release of many stuck beings and energies which were wanting to move on. The property is much clearer now.


Part of this also included my doing some physical type labor. And likely there will be more. I have enjoyed it, and my muscles have also enjoyed this. All in balance.

We’ll see just how long I remain at this location. Not sure yet. I do feel my place is still to continue journeying to the Northwest U.S., then east at some point. It would still be possible that I would return to Shasta.

Percent of all this which is definite: 0.00%

Love to all, from this Beautiful part of God’s (our) creation,
Kp (Brad)