It’s Super Moon Sunday! (Americans: Totally different than Super Bowl Sunday.)
And it’s the only Super Moon of 2013!
The moon is at its closest point to the earth it will be all year, so if you’ve been feeling big emotions, or changes, or inspiration, or STUFF coming up – you are normal. This Super Moon is a breakthrough point for a few reasons and it is meant to be noticeable. Let me explain.
The June 23 Full Moon in Capricorn at 2 degrees is:
· coming on the heels of the Summer Solstice (always a significant transition point in the year for both hemispheres)
· right before Jupiter enters Cancer for the first time in twelve years (opportunities to look at how we take care of ourselves, emotional security, and creating a new home base (energetically or physically)
· supporting the upcoming (and highly rare) Water Grand Trine with Saturn, Neptune, and Jupiter (a huge deal! Opening up to flows of beautiful support)
We are moving through a doorway into the second half of 2013 that allows for releasing of where you have come from (energetically, family, your past, your roots, previous soul imprints) and supports identifying new goals as you continue to reach your full potential in this lifetime. Added into the mix is the flowing, creative, intuitive energy of water that allows us to glide and coast along in the waves. Which is an uplifting gift after so many intense energies of the past two years, non?
Go forward with that creative project. Follow an inspiration. Focus on your bliss. Make something from your imagination real.Whatever is whispering at you? DO IT. It will probably come together easier than you think and allow you to soar in new ways. (Really, truly, I believe this for you, and I probably don’t even know you personally.)
Right now is also an energetic check-in point for the commitments and goals you initiated waaaay back in January – how do you feel about those goals now? Do they support you still, or has everything changed and you need something completely different? Are you expecting others to take care of you or are you taking responsibility for self-nurturing?
Make needed changes now that fit with who you are now. Initiate new ways of getting what you want that allow for grace and ease. Trust your personal authority and rely less on external validation.
The Moon in Capricorn is creating a rare kite configuration with two outer planets, Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Scorpio. There is a grounding, practical component here that says, “Don’t take anything personally because we’re all energetically connected, silly!” Instead of unconsciously reacting, nurture yourself. Instead of feeling too quickly/defensively, detach and see it all from a bigger perspective. Of course, these habits may be easier said than done, but if you have a willingness to observe your patterns, you are already on the path to new energetic expressions simply by acknowledging them.
On June 26, Jupiter moves into Cancer and shifts us into where we find and need nurturing, emotional support, heart connections, and sacred spaces. Also related – your mom, how you were raised, childhood patterns, expressing your feelings, and home matters. All of this will depend greatly on where Cancer energy is located in your astrology chart, but the archetypal themes are universal.
Intuitively, I feel this Jupiter in Cancer cycle relates to your mom in this lifetime and/or how you have played the role as a mother in other lifetimes (regardless of what gender and how many kiddos you have now). Those unfinished issues, unconscious patterns and behaviors, or lower energetic expressions could potentially come to your attention, so heads up if you suddenly feel like everyone you meet is “just like my mother…” A-ha! And there is the gift (which you can't return with a receipt).