Larry Larson – Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal – The Modulation Of Source Energy – 23 June 2013

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June 23, 2013 Twelve Insight Journal

Larry Larson

What you are is energetic life presence, and you should be moving forward with your life experience. Your field of life experience is an extension of yourself, you see. You called it into being in exactly the same way that you called your physical body into being. Thought—the modulation of Source Energy—is what brings things and being and experiences into your world.
You have thought the thoughts long before you say the words, you see. That is why your words don’t really do very much unless you believe them. At the very core of your being, your hara, your heart center, your gut…that is the place where you have to go to know what you are really thinking. The stuff that rattles around in your head is a bit behind the majority of your thought. The majority of your thought is occurring within the framework of your nonphysical self. That is a much broader event than just your physical self.
Your thought modulations of Source Energy bring forth the physical you, that many of you think is you, and it also brings forth—attracts if you will—the events and circumstances and things and beings of your world.
So you really should move forward with your life. You can be as comfortable in your field of life experience as you are in your physical body. Everything within your physical life experience is called to you in the same way. It’s just that you have been taught that the world is spinning out of your control and so you never learned that you control all of that with your thought too.
But get it straight at your heart level and at your gut level first. That’s why they say confidence flows from within. Know assuredly that everything that comes at you in life has come to assist you with your creation. Relax and breathe as you go forth.
We are with you on your journeys,



