The crystalline grids are now in place and all within physical reality/form on Earth is now acclimating to these frequencies. It takes time and pressure to form a diamond. This is what humanity is currently going through. The pressure of higher frequency energy/light is being applied to assist in the transformation of the New Earth. The pressure that I speak of is not only being applied from the outside physical world but it is also coming from within. It is through the transformation of our consciousness that creates our outer life experience. The amplified energies are a gift from Source to assist us in the letting go/purging of what was, that opens us up to the possibilities that exist in the now. This has to do with the way we live, see and experience life. As with diamonds we each have many facets/levels of our consciousness. Our diamond of infinite light and love is already surrounding us, however it is up to us to connect with it to a greater degree and anchor it within our physical body. We all have free will and choices. Self realization and en-lighten-ment is a never ending journey and it is up to us to walk the path. The levels of consciousness that are attached to the physical body have to be mastered and conditioned in order for the physical vessel to be transformed into the diamond. The consciousness and body becomes a clearer crystalline prism for the rays of eternal light (YOD Spectrum) to flow through as we master and transform the levels of consciousness within us. The clarity and brilliance of the Christ within us is allowed the space to shine through once we let go of what we are holding onto within. How could the pearlescent rays of the rainbow shine through a dark cloud in the sky? The same goes for how our eternal joy/light, love and knowledge is allowed the space to flow through our physical body and conscious awareness. As it has been said in the past, become the open vessel and you will be filled. Another way to look at this would be how could you fill your glass with anymore water if it's already full? In order to become open and clear we have to release and let go of what is already existing. These could be fears, beliefs, patterns of separation, disempowerment, dualistic views of reality, and so on. These are the distorted perceptions of realty that we are still holding onto within that clogs the pipes and are shadows within the diamond that we are.
When you look closely and turn a diamond you will see shadows. However as you continue to turn the diamond the shadows disappear. All diamonds have shadows. It is all according on how you hold the diamond and what you are looking for will determine what you will see. No matter how many shadows may be perceived within the diamond the shadows and the diamond are still one. So now I ask you to think about and look at what is constant in nature. The diamond stays the same however it is only our perception of the shadow that changes. This is why the shadow view only lasts for as long as we hold onto it. The shadow represents the 3D program/world of polarity and division. The diamond is a vessel as all people are. The Infinite light of Source/love with-out conditions is constant in nature. It is only our perceptions and shadows that are not. The fears, beliefs, patterns of separation and what we accept to be real, are these shadows. These are the things within us that are not constant and infinite, this is the reason why they are called illusions.
So my friends let's open our hearts and "transform" the shadows that we are holding onto within our own selves. There is nothing to separate ourselves from. All is ONE within the brilliant diamond that you/we are. Allow the infinite rainbow of the YOD Spectrum to shine......shine.......shine..
Here is an affirmation.
I release all that is no longer serving me and in alignment with the will of my IAM Presence.........
I now ignite the diamond of infinite light and love that I AM THAT I AM.
The Diamond frequency is the essence of what we call the Shamballa energy also. This is what we share and assist people in connecting with in the New Paradigm MDT courses. If you would like some additional information on the New Paradigm MDT courses you can visit my web site or visit
Here is a recent video where I discuss the diamond frequency and releasing the shadows............ : )
Diamond Frequency of Consciousness - Releasing Polarity - Ascension Tips