James Gilliland on The Hundredth Monkey Radio June 16 2013 Hour One

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James Gilliland is an internationally known speaker, author, and contactee. He is the founder of the Self Mastery Earth Institute, Science, Spirit and World Transformation Conferences as well as the ECETI Ranch an internationally known UFO and Paranormal hotspot. He is the author of Reunion With Source, Becoming Gods and his latest best seller The Ultimate Soul Journey.

After a Near Death Experience James left his material life in commercial real estate and began a 34 year spiritual journey which included the study of most religions, The TIC Teachings of the Inner Christ, The Tibetan Foundation where is certified as a channel of the highest consciousness and energy along with initiations by Yogis and Lamas where he was given the name, Ridgzin Norbu, "Jewel of Pure Awareness". He is also a certified Kunlun Neigung instructor and has dedicated his life in service to the Awakening and Healing of Humanity and the Earth.