Golden Heart Dialogues June 23 2013
Our lives are eternal. There is no birth and there is no death there is only the eternal continuity of our Cosmic Soul. We are vaporized cosmic dust in a human vehicle. We are being introduced into a new realm. This is what waking up truly means. This is what is meant by immersing ourselves into a culture of consciousness. The culture of consciousness super-cedes everything else. It is the truth of why we have incarnated over and over, and it is also about why we have selected to be on earth now, rather than have already transitioned or not yet born.
At this time as a collective we are being encouraged by what is being exposed, layers upon layer of half-truths, true lies and the great illusion, we have known as our history. This is our defining moment. What are we being asked to believe right now and what is actually true?
For those who are new to the concept of the Consciousness Culture or to this concept of The Shift it can be a bit confusing and tiring. Everywhere one turns technology thrusts itself at us through a myriad of tools and vehicles. Every time we seek out information or sources about our current dilemma–our governance systems, financial systems, health care system, environmental systems, and our sacred/religious systems, we have to wade through so much, well let’s call it “stuff”, in order to get to what lies beneath. This stuff may be seen as a soft coating or even a thin membrane on our access to truth. Yes, it is the ever-so-thin layer that has capped our consciousness for millenium. It is like a film that is so subtle and yet carries with it a density.
Time to melt and peel away this layer–this film. What lies beneath this film is our liberation. The truth lies beneath this ever-so-tactile membrane. We are about to become so transparent in our humanity, that our ethereal selves will be able to engage fully with our human soul. Our human soul is awaiting the gift of realization that comes with the lifting of the film, the layer, that binds us. It is a layer that connects all of us. It is like a huge embryonic sack that has held us securely in place for thousands and thousands of years. Our awakening, our first breath, our first gasp of both air and light is predicated on our remembering. One way to remember is through oral or written history passed from one to another. It’s not candy coated, or contrived fakery. It is a true account that contains the true stories as lived and witnessed first hand by those who dared to do what they came here to do.
It is in the returning that we come in to our Wholeness. Thanks to many here and behind the scenes we have come far. Decoding the multi-layers to access truth can be laborious and yet, it is through the telling of the stories, the decoding of the myths, that we find our way back. Several have given their lives for us. We are innately moving towards cohesion.
Spiritual Cohesion is about unity, coherence and connection between one’s spiritual Self and Source Intelligence.
To live both lives conurrently is our destiny. When we do we are co-habitating in a new world already risen.
A New World Rising and How to Navigate Through It, Christina Fisher, copyright 2013