There is so much information on the internet about being grounded, but being grounded to me means being fully present: physically, emotionally and energetically. It has taken most of my life to not only learn about being grounded but to start putting it in practice. No one ever told me of this term before, i had no idea. If i would have known about this i could have saved myself a lot of grief in life i suppose.
I tend to make things more difficult than they should be, most people tend to do that to themselves in this life, I have noticed, maybe ego and religion plays a role in this aspect, but it is simple, it means that your mind is not pulling you elsewhere, like dwelling in the past or on the future. Just take a deep breath, and be in the present moment. You can walk out in nature, or sit under a tree and just with your mind, imagine that you are growing roots under you that is connecting you with Mother Earth, there, you are grounded!
I guess that when i first heard this term, i thought it to be some mystical and difficult ritual involved in achieving this goal, but it isn’t at all!!! You just use your imagination, your mind to create your state of being. When you sit, just focus on your breathing to calm your thoughts, and if your mind wanders, and it usually does!, then just calmly pull it back and focus. There are many ways people practice focusing i have learned, you just need to find what method works for you. This is all trial and error, especially for those of us who are beginners later in life, like me! I am still learning this, but it is getting better each time i do it, so exciting in a way!!!
Being grounded will help us achieve more inner peace and deal with work and home life in a more positive and calm manner. It helps you check yourself before you wreck yourself, so to speak! It also contributes to our physical health and well-being and increase energy levels. It is amazing what our thought processes or our minds can do! It is all energy...
We have to be aware that our ego will try to fight against this task of being grounded, it more often than not, does not want us to succeed in this task of being grounded. It will take daily practice to control this egoic mind and let our higher thoughts or selves come forward to strengthen us in this endeavor. Because, if i can do it, anyone can do it!!! please don’t give up practicing being grounded, as i am here to tell you, daily practice of meditation and staying grounded can be life changing in many positive ways. It all depends on who you are and where your mental and spiritual level is at in this life, that will determine how long it could take you to achieve this goal, please be patient with yourselves, it is well worth it! :)
I have found it helping diminish my symptoms of depression, etc. , better than any pill ever did! It refreshes the soul, as it were...I find it slowly helping me find more enthusiasm for life again, more inspiration, more patience with situations and other people, more inner calmness and peace.
I am learning to stop making things more difficult than they are, and by practicing grounding daily, it helps you appreciate the present moment more, going with the flow of the Universe more, not stressing out or worrying about “stuff” so much, just learning to let go more. It is a very freeing feeling indeed!
In closing i want to emphasize that being grounded is important for our very survival on this planet, since we are also made up of the elements on this planet. It helps us connect with our families, our neighbors, our tribes, our communities, our planet, and ourselves! It better aids us in achieving the goals that we were all sent here to do. I am learning with you people! Learning to heal the mind, the ego, the spirit and human body. It is a wonderful and fascinating journey with surprises at every turn, new things to discover every day that will help us to find our way and connect with that which is most important. It helps us to connect to our higher selves or God Consciousness. May we all continue to connect with “Source" and to practice being grounded every day. love and light, Faiza...