This seems to have been a “long” type day. What did I “do”? Not much in the material type world, that is for sure. But I did take a walk on the road on which I am currently living. Saw one young deer, picked a few flowers I’ve not seen before, squeezed the juice (oil) out of a cedar leaf and pine needle, and enjoyed the aroma, asked the Universe for assistance in fixing my water unit on my car (converts H2O to H2 and O2, feeds into the air intake, and improves mileage and makes the exhaust clean), which was given (tighten a screw!!).
Then a few other things have come up as well.
The photo above is from the Sacramento River headwaters pond, where fresh spring water flows from lava tubes. People fill up their water containers (even 5-gallon ones) and take it home. It is the absolutely best tasting water I’ve ever had. And the energy is pristine and alive with faeries and devics. I’ve been drinking it for 3-4 days straight now. And will take some with me when I leave.
Also a healing of the feet is happening. Particularly painful was the cracked heels and sore type things that cropped up, likely due to the low humidity. Big change from more humid Hawaii. Man… unreal the pain. So I call D ( D), and she suggests spreading coconut oil on my feet, putting a plastic bag over each one, putting socks on over that, and sleeping that way.
OMG!!! What a difference the next day. Pain was gone, cracks had healed up, redness was gone, and all I can say is… wow, fabulous change. I’m traveling with coconut oil in my travel pack from now on.
My sense now is that the next phase of the journey will begin before very long, likely a few days. The Northwest is calling. The ocean is calling. Eugene, Portland, and Seattle coffee shops are calling.
I have done my work with Shasta, and Shasta has done its work with me, and on me, and through me.
So we shall see the exact timing of this departure, but there is a departure. I sense I will return, perhaps to be a bit more “permanent”.
But the Turtle Island journey must continue.