Update from Tanina in Brazil: It’s About the Ending of the Rotten and Fallen System

Lia's picture

Thank You to Wes Annac Note from Wes: I received this update from Tanina in Brazil via Facebook.

We are inviting you and your friends and contacts to join our Beautiful, Lovely and Peaceful “Free Pass” Movement 99% peaceful. This great Manifestation is not about  the 20cents, or a protest against corruption, violence and the World Cup as the media has been conveying. It is about the ending of the rotten and fallen system that does not belong  to this planet anymore. It is a WALK UP CALL to the 99% go to the streets, it is the Critical Mass Awakening coming into place.

We are inviting all the people of the world to Walk Up to the Streets peacefully demonstrating that enough is enough and the old order is over. We have no political parties or tendencies, we are ONE. We need your support to make it Viral and see what happens when we get the 99% on the streets all over the world!!!! Will that be the right moment for Disclosure!? We are not sure where it will get us to, but we are been heavenly guided and protected to do so !
While the “ankle biters” are very scared, we have been experiencing  this great feeling of Blessing LOVE in ONE, we are together in Love, the only way to the Great Shift. It is easy, it just take us the little effort to leave our lovely and comfortable homes and computers and Walk Peacefully to the streets. Just the blessed feeling of being One is a great reward, I assure you !
Lets get organized and make this WALK UP CALL the Great  to manifest the Changes we all want to see
God Bless Us All
In Unity

