June, 2013 Putney Mountain, Vermont
By Ancient ArtiZen
At 9:40 pm Eastern US time last night, Jupiter entered Cancer for the next year
The large and small circles you belong to are summoning you to council. Those spirit beings, plant beings, human beings, alive and dead, who work with you on the inner planes are needing more participation from you. This is the year to call on the collective power you have to bring a greater truth into focus. The Sign of Cancer loves to understand how things work, which means we're all being offered a chance to grasp our own part in cosmos and earth.
Who Are You Really? What Are You Here for?
How Much Longer Are You Going to Wait?
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Mark Borax is a groundbreaking Soul Level Astrologer and bestselling author who lives in Vermont and writes the monthly Cosmic Weather Report email newsletter. He offers readings over the telephone and in-person, and classes that catalyze individual evolution.
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Mark Borax
Soul Level Astrologer
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