Final Message from this Day’s Adventures… Kauilapele

Doreen Smith's picture

Kauilapele  2013/06/28


I’m foregoing a photo or picture right now [1020 PM PDT, just added one]. Actually I’m testing a wireless connection at the local college.

Be that as it may, I must say that the ‘Soul Family Connecting (maybe ‘reconnecting’ is a more correct term)” energies feel very high right now. I’ve been meeting and connecting with so many Beings, that there’s no doubt that this is what Shasta is about, at least in this (my) present moment. Lots of connections all over the place.

And I like to remember that ‘connections’ may mean among people, places, animals, devas, faeries, berries, cherries, and/or Larrys. Whatever needs to connect, is connecting. Many are now willing to connect with their ‘Spirit Families’ (whatever that means), and it’s happening, baby… Resist it or don’t… It’s happening.

Remember that Julien recording.

Anyway, the WiFi works, and so I post this, from this now moment.

Blessings to all.