Message from Montague ~You are witnessing the final desperate attempts

Lia's picture



You are witnessing the final desperate attempts to hold the matrix together. As many of you wake up to the power of your own minds, you refuse to remain silent. You want to share your discoveries with others. You are finding that everyone is eager to learn. They are not prepared to be locked into serving the Cabal anymore. Some armies are at last waking up and questioning what they are being ordered to do. They realize that they are expendable, and of no significance; that one day, they too, will be killed by those they serve.


We in Spirit can only assist you when you request our assistance. We are ready and willing, as are your friends on other planets, who will bring practical assistance such as technology, etc. We need you to call out to us, as we cannot interfere unless you request our assistance. Many of us will come in temporary manifestation. This I have promised you, my dear. Be prepared for some surprises.


We will free your minds of the restrictions that were forced on you by the evil control system that took over your planet all those years ago. It is now time for you, once again, to become the wonderful, powerful human beings who inhabited planet Earth before the take-over began. That take-over involved the slaughter of so many. Even today, you see the slaughter continues in so many parts of your world. The excuses for this become more feeble each time they announce their reasons for invading another country "to protect the people". The last thing in the world they want to do is to protect those poor innocent people. It is their way of culling the population, and one day, those same people will want to cull you and yours. Have you not given thought to that scenario? It is time you did.


The many revelations now flowing from the Vatican will soon become a flood. Then it will be exposed as the head of the serpent. Many within it can no longer turn a blind eye to what it did in the past and continues to do, and what its real aims are. That house of cards is beginning to fall. It has concealed so much from humanity. It has controlled minds from cradle to grave, and the FEAR with which it has ruled those minds has destroyed the experience of life on Earth for billions of people over the years. It is hard for many of you to accept that it is all based on lies and deception. Soon, you will see irrefutable evidence of this. They, and their cohorts, are responsible for all that is bad and evil in your world. But their reign is almost over. No tears will be shed for the removal of that terrible power structure; though sadly, many of you are still locked into it, through the FEAR that has been instilled in you.


Remove the shackles and step forward into the light. Discard the FEAR and become who you are. Open your hearts to love, and I promise you that your lives will open up to all possibilities. Your great adventure is only just beginning. Enjoy it !  All the knowledge that was hidden from you, will become available to everyone, as all will become equal once again. Planet Earth is the only place in the entire universe where some claim to be superior to others. Soon, you will see what a foolish, ridiculous claim that really is. How can anyone believe that the Source, the Creator, would ever do such a thing. All will be revealed and explained and the evidence will be placed before you. All will become clear. Nature will take over from the technology that overrides it, causing such destruction and fear.


The great minds which once walked the Earth are ready to become your advisors. They will guide you every step of the way, in restoring your once great planet. They have shown themselves to Veronica. They wanted her to know that they will work by your side for as long as it takes to restore your planet. Do not think that you will face this task alone. See it as a joint effort.


The Cabal is in fear of you, as more of you awaken and expose it. Send them love and light. This will expose the corruption and it will destroy their power structure. Love is your most powerful weapon and it does not cost a penny. Return their hate and contempt with love and a smile, straight from the heart, and you will succeed beyond your wildest dreams. For they do not understand love: they are not capable of it, and they cannot cope with it. You, on the other hand, have it in abundance. Once you fully understand how love can change everything, then nothing can stop you.


You are on the cusp of something so great that generations to come will marvel at how you defeated the dark and restored the light, and how humanity became as one again, able to live in peace and harmony. Some may feel that a lot is being asked of you. All I say to you is to think of the rewards: no more killing and no more corruption. Surely, this is worth a little inconvenience or two. No one is asked to contribute more than he is capable of, and you are all capable of so much more than you have been led to believe. You can do it and you will do it.


Many of you have returned to Earth to bring this massive change about. Be aware also, that there are those who are used by the Cabal to infiltrate and disrupt your work. They cause disruption whenever and wherever possible. They especially get to the vulnerable. They promise much but deliver nothing. They are to be pitied. You are on the Earth for such a short time. It is but a moment, when you consider your soul's eternal existence. There are many who claim to be of the light, who, when they actually encounter people who are truly of the light, then resort to blaming others because they cannot actually function in pure light. They feel exposed and uncomfortable and they resort to making the weakest feel that they are to blame.


Remain awake, aware and alert, as much is being done to try to prevent you attaining full consciousness. Keep your minds free of the propaganda in your newspapers and on your televisions. It is all designed to keep you in darkness and under control. Continue to support each other and share information. Welcome the light into your lives.


My dear, you have had to deal with situations, recently, both with equipment and some individuals, who were used to try to cause disruption and stress. Do not buy into this, as that is exactly what they want you to do. It would be a waste of precious energy.


We are on our way. Nothing can stop the light.


Always, your adoring, Monty.







Channeller: Veronica Montague Keen

Webpage: The Montague Keen Foundation

Available in 18 Languages




Thank you for Clarity

TheFlashRon's picture

There have been so many inspirational messages lately that promise that shortly, or soon, or imminently everything will be solved. That the powers that were will be arrested ETC. This is clearly not one such message and it brings a wave of peace much appreciated to me.

Love and Blessings to All


David Porter's picture

You said this: "They promise much but deliver nothing." about the cabal.

You come on strong as I have propensity to do. I like your style, however, I have question with you continuing to prompt us with assistance from "Above" and nothing shows up again and again? Have you forgot what linear time is since your passing over? It's not like we are not asking daily for assistance.

You also mentioned again "technology" to be given to us, AGAIN, for our assistance? We do not need you technology LATER, we need it NOW!!! So far the ones with it are the cabal. You live in the NOW, right? We are trying this on for size, but still HAVE TO look to our clocks to make it to work on time down here.

The cabal has all of our money they need to blog and post articles that keep me in mind of "many shall come in my name," but they are the cabal etc. Who are you with?  

Why must you and so many other alleged channels continue to pump us up with what's just around our corner then the days, weeks, months and years go by,,,NOTHING AGAIN???

Please stop blaming it on Heaven and It's Divine decrees and get your Light Asses down here, LAND and help us get this disastrous mess cleaned up once and for all, OKAY?

Thank you for your support ahead of time, if we do ever in fact in our reality get it, that's linear time, and years of your promises of it???


David Porter

Author of the series


Please know who you are talking to...

TheFlashRon's picture

The channeled message is not from the Ashtar Command, or Federation of Light, but Montague Keen, a human ascended master. I feel and understand your frustration, however, the things that we are dealing with here on earth are our own responsibility and we will receive external help when we are prepared and ready to accept it on a collective level as everything works according to a Divine Plan which reflects the highest good for all concerned perfectly.



David Porter's picture

I don't recall ever commenting on Monty, and have read ever one of his messages over the years. Have you? Do you realize how many time he has said the cabal are on their last leg, running out of steam, almost out there, or something of same meaning??

From my perspective the cabal is as strong or stronger than ever!!

This is my primary reason for spending my time commenting and messaging these ones that pretend to be on our side. Are they? They tell us to go out into nature on the most chem-trailed filled skies, they continue to make promises that don't show anywhere near what their words indicate, and it makes me feel as thought "someone" is simply keeping the sheep sleep walking until the grand moment of their special dates of purpose so we pay them our monies (energies) until time to round us all up for the slaughter.


I live close to Lake City Army Ammunition Plant which was recently contracted by our "government" to make more ammo than ever in their history!!! They have many wear-houses there that don't seem to be in use just yet?? There is a triple train track leading to it?? Are you up with me?

None of us want to be miss lead anymore, 13,000 years is quite enough, don't you agree? I will be on it for us. Thank you



David Porter

Author of the series


Yes, "From Your Perspective"...

TheFlashRon's picture

I cannot disagree with your experiences, they are uniquely yours and they are what you need to experience for you to evolve on your path to Oneness, just like all of us.

In each moment of our lives, we have the opportunity to leverage the law of attraction and choose love or not, and in doing so we assemble our experiences that follow. These experiences are our greatest teachers, they show us unerringly how to make course corrections in order to make our experiences what we want to experience, which is, of course, Love.

Love is the most powerful force that exists. Love is what we are. Team Dark is merely distorted love and is therefore subjected to it and cannot overcome it. Please look within your heart for discernment, it will never fail you.

As more and more awaken to the truth of existence and begin standing in their own power through understanding who, what and why they are, they stop being manipulated by fear and that cuts off Team Dark's food/energy source and at this stage they are nearly starved to death. The last thing they want is to put that appearance forward so that is why the cabal is appearing stronger than ever.

One of my favorite reminders from the book A Course in Miracles is:

"Perfect Love casts out fear,

If fear exists, then there is not perfect Love


Only perfect Love exists.

If there is fear, it produces a state that does not exist.

Believe this and you will be free."
