Denise Le Fay ~July & August 2013 Grand Water Trines & T-Squares

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astro glyphs flashing colors

The months of July and August 2013 are packed with big, important, and very potent astrological transits. First things first–on June 25, 2013 Jupiter entered Cancer where it will be until July 2014. On July 13, 2013 Mars enters Cancer for a fast run through the sign until August 29, 2013. This is of course, just enough time to combine with the other Trine aspects happening between the slower moving planets in the three Water signs. Because there’s so much going on during July and August, it gets a bit confusing and hard to remember what’s where and when so I’ve included the amazing astrological lineup below for visual aid.

The Third Trimester of 2013 is going to be highly emotional–and that can be pleasant or unpleasant–so be advised and aim for the high mystical side of all this positive Water focus. The Third Trimester is also going to be intense, potent, eye-opening, Higher Awareness activating, spiritually healing and rejuvenating, individually and collectively empowering, and highly personal as you and more of the Higher YOU–which means Source too–”walk-in” or embody in you and your physical body and consciousness. Hey… it’s the Third Trimester after all, and a lot has got to be accomplished over these 2013 summer/winter months in preparation.

I’m adding Chiron and the North Node to this list because they both are in Water signs now too. They don’t come into these other Trine aspects, but being in water signs only adds to the current energetic focus on the water element and water sign lenses that these planets are radiating and manifesting through now.

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  • June 25, 2013 Jupiter entered Cancer
  • July 2013 Chiron is 13° Pisces retrograde
  • Throughout July 2013 the North Node is between 15–12° Scorpio
  • July 7, 2013 Saturn goes direct at 5° Scorpio
  • July 8, 2013 New Moon 16° Cancer 18′
  • July 13, 2013 Mars enters Cancer
  • July 17, 2013 a Grand Water Trine is exact between Jupiter 4° Cancer, Saturn 4° Scorpio, and Neptune 4° Pisces. This Grand Water Trine will be in effect throughout all of  July but is exact on July 17th
  • July 19, 2013 Saturn Trines Neptune
  • July 20, 2013 Mercury goes direct
  • July 20, 2013 Mars Trines Neptune
  • July 20, 2013 Mars Trines Saturn
  • July 22, 2013 Full “Super” Moon at 0° Aquarius 6′ — Sun enters Leo
  • July 22, 3013 Mars Conjuncts Jupiter in Cancer
  • July 22, 2013 Venus enters Virgo
  • July 22, 2013 Mars 5° Cancer joins the Grand Water Trine with Jupiter 5° Cancer

cardinal points  t_square  squares

  • July 26, 2013 Venus Opposition Neptune
  • July 27, 2013 Mars 9° Cancer Opposition Pluto 9° Capricorn
  • July 31, 2013 Mars 12° Cancer Squares Uranus 12° Aries
  • August 7, 2013 Jupiter 9° Cancer reaches Opposition to Pluto 9° Capricorn and T-Squares with Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn
  • August 21, 2013 Jupiter 12° Cancer Squares Uranus 12° Aries but the Cardinal T-Square aspect continues between Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto.
  • The empty sign and degrees in this Cardinal T-Square are 9–12° Libra

Is your head reeling and your heart beating a bit faster? Mine is over all these amazing and potent transits unfolding during the 2013 Third Trimester. I know there are many professional Astrologers that will be writing about these transits so you’ll be able to find plenty of great information about these astonishing astrological events. Because it’s not my “job” to write extensively on the Astrological transits happening during these Ascension years, I’m only going to very briefly go over some of the potentials that these transits can produce. For more in-depth detailed information, please refer to your favorite professional Astrologer.

First off the Grand Water Trine is basically a very positive and gentle transit. It has the potential to activate and/or further expand people’s evolving Higher Awareness and greater perceptual abilities, their empathy, their High Heart consciousness, their Emotional Body, and their emotions and psyche’s in general. Emotional issues that need to be thoroughly acknowledged, felt emotionally, honestly and thoroughly dealt with will be much less difficult to do now with this Grand Trine in the Water signs so take advantage of it to do whatever Inner Basement Housecleaning that you may have left yet. It’ll be easy-peasy now and will feel like a longstanding and highly miserable burden being removed from you so no fear and utilize these mystical inducing waters to wash and further prepare you on multiple levels.

Next up are the latest in a series of heavy-duty Cardinal T-squares and Oppositions between Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto and these transits are the opposite of the easier and gentler water Trines! Oh well old hearty Lightwarriors, this is just some more of the old negative patriarchy being dismantled and that’s a positive even if it occasionally looks and sounds scary and imbalanced. Hold you Higher Heart Centered focus and let these 2013 Cardinal transformations proceed as needed. It’s time to take some more of the old stinking, rotting trash out and that’s exactly what these types of heavy-duty powerhouse Cardinal 3D transits do for us individually, collectively, internally and externally. Before the NEW arrives, the old corrupt and infected junk and parasites must be removed and this is what physical reality Cardinal Squares, T-Squares, and Oppositions have been and still are doing and more. Relax and let them do what they’re designed to do now

I don’t know what it is but this Full Moon that’s another “Super Moon” on July 22, 2013 at 0° Aquarius feels extremely important and reality changing to me. It may produce some intense energies that will be those typical rebellious Aquarian energies, but also, pronounced Higher Awareness and Leonine High Heart activations in more people too. It just feels extremely important to me, like some NEW energetic milestone has been reached post 12-21-12.

Mars in Cancer all on its own is harsh because Mars is so hot, masculine, intense and pushy, whereas Cancer is so watery, feminine, ultra sensitive and nurturing that it’s a rough combo-pack even on the best of days. But Mars in Cancer Squaring Uranus in Aries and in Opposition to Pluto in Capricorn–which creates a Cardinal T-square between reality changing planets–makes my Capricornian Forerunner knees go weak with anticipation! This is a potentially rough transit on many levels, primarily because of it’s volatile nature and deep drive to rip the shit out of 3D physicality and tear down whatever needs to be torn apart and burned to ash now because it’s time has expired and it’s simply stinking up the place. So put your flame retardant clothing and boots on, grab your tinfoil lined helmets, and secure your multidimensional seat-belts because summer/winter 2013 is going to get wild n’ wooly for many. Many of us will continue being witnesses only to these latest demolishing processes in physicality, while others will have front-row seats to them. This is the way it’s been all along, and each of us are exactly where we need to be right now. Let those Water Trines open your High Heart even more for this next round of Cardinal structural demolishing T-squares and oppositions.

The potential for more natural disasters exists via these Cardinal T-squares; fires, storms, man-made explosions, natural Earth eruptions, earthquakes, slides etc. The potential also exists for more so-called disasters to happen to man-made structures worldwide; governmental, military, monetary, media, and other not as readily seen positions of power that the old elite have held for so long. Watch for more old patriarchal carcasses to litter the landscape for a while as these transits play out this summer. Also watch for whatever old hidden physical artifacts and/or suppressed, concealed issues suddenly get unearthed during this deep level Plutonian/Uranian square-off unfolds. Expect the unexpected and expect it to come in ways that you weren’t expecting either, like your own greater consciousness and not some old patriarchal toad in a suit. Thank you Uranus in Aries. ♥

For those of you reading this, these more difficult transits will push everyone to take another look at whatever it is that each of us needs to now that’s blocking our continued spiritual evolutionary Ascension Process. What is it that you/me/each of us still believes about ourselves, our abilities, our personal power, us as Creator Beings, about reality etc. And, what is it that you/me/each of us still believes about “Others” out there? Others like the old ‘Powers That Were’, about ETs, about the Ascension Process, about the Separation of Worlds, about death, about “God”, about whatever? Whatever limiting internal “structures”–and beliefs are HUGE internal structures–we each still have within us are the ones that will come under increasing pressure and eventual direct fire through these take no prisoners Cardinal transits now in the second-half of 2013.

Said another way, the more gentle Water Trines are helping to reestablish the Sacred Feminine within each of us as living embodiments of IT now. The more difficult Cardinal T-squares and Oppositions have to do with further tearing down and permanently removing the old distorted masculine and corrupt, dead-ended patriarchy and negative Piscean Age sludge from each of us internally and from the external world we live in today. More Inner/Outer Housecleaning on multiple levels.

Reach for the high side of the Grand Water Trine to gain and/or further expand your Higher Awareness and Higher Sensory Perceptions while simultaneously going through another amplified period of dismantling of old negative patriarchal world structures and limiting belief systems, plus a possible increase in more natural and weather related disasters such as fires, explosions, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, severe storms etc. And of course more old boring and insane greedy patriarchal saber-rattling from multiple countries will probably be in the world news again also. As usual, just ignore it, and keep you 5D High Heart focused on the end results YOU want and not the lower frequency  ones still being peddled on the patriarchal media machines.


July 1, 2013

copyright multi reds Copyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS, 2013. Use or duplication of this material is strictly prohibited. All Rights Reserved. link to original article
