~Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way~
As I wolf down breakfast and head out the door to my local Occupy protest, I cast a backwards glance at the BBC who is reporting protests all around the world – Japan, Germany, Australia, etc.
One very noticeable thing is how the contours of the political and economic discussion are on the verge of changing. The protesters are talking about a wholesale change in the financial system of the world so that the 1% are not bilking the 99% while the finance ministers at the G20 meeting are talking about roadmaps and bailouts.
Roadmaps and bailouts are not going to do it for us anymore (they never did and were never intended to). All these measures the spokespeople for the banks and elite are talking about are designed to keep the existing system in place. The people at the top have not yet seen what the people at the bottom want. They have not yet assimilated that a rising proportion of the world’s population is not going to sit idly by while the elite consolidates its control over the world’s wealth, property, and power.
We haven’t yet reached the point where the Powers that Were (the elite or 1%) are actually ready to start using the vocabulary that the Powers that Will Be (the people or 99%) are using. Once we start hearing from the mouths of the elite that the 99% want a re-establishment of fairness and equitability in the financial systems and arrangements of the world, we’ll know that the message is getting across.
However the message getting across is not the final goal. We want new political, financial, religious, educational and other leaders to take over the reins of power, leaders who are committed to the greatest good of the greatest number. We want a New Age for this planet that will see everyone supported and taken care of who needs support and care, not just those who can afford it.
Lead, follow, or get out of the way, supposed leaders of our nations.