American Citizens are Quietly Leading the March to Freedom; Dr. Garry Gordon

Doreen Smith's picture


July 2, 2013 2012thebigpicture

I nearly didn’t read the email right away because I thought it was about a seminar sharing the latest cancer treatment or other wellness breakthroughs, but I’m glad I read it.  It was far from the usual.

Dr. Garry Gordon typically trains other medical professionals how to eliminate health issues via safe, natural means, but this time he is contacting his list to educate people about how to eliminate tyranny.

If you would like to join the webinar on July 5th and/or attend the conference in San Francisco in August, I’ve pasted the entire message from the newsletter below.

I’m so impressed to see that an increasing number of people are not only awake and aware, but DOING something to further the cause of freedom. Kudos to Dr. Gordon and his colleagues.

I contacted Dr. Gordon and have his permission to share this invitation, unaltered. Isn’t it interesting; so many are coming from so many varied places all at the same time, and we will meet at that singular goal at the perfect time.

Dear Concerned Citizen,

By joining the webinar on July 5thand the conference on August 10 & 11, you will learn how you can bring back America.

Anyone with a stake in America needs to come to the August 10-11, 2013 meeting in San Francisco at the Marriott on the Waterfront at the airport. Anyone that attends on your suggestion will be thanking you for years to come, as they will learn how to have freedom again.

There is now a bright light at the end of the tunnel. The knowledge being provided will start to set us free as our founding fathers intended.

The legal cases that years of ceaseless research has uncovered are clear, eye opening, and rock solid.

When this was all coming together I was attending a variety of conferences and had the opportunity to sit with top attorneys who were astounded. All agreed that this approach can legally start to bring our government back to upholding our constitution.

Technically most of us today find ourselves in admiralty courts, where the constitution is simply ignored.  You will learn how this happened and how it ties to our country to going off the gold standard.

At one point we became a technically bankrupt nation.  Unless you understand and challenge jurisdiction, most of us are treated as debtors in admiralty court.  Just knowing what to say at the outset of legal proceeding and owning U.S. gold coins can make you a free and sovereign citizen again.

Amazingly major legal issues seem to get dismissed when the right issues are raised.

Everyone coming to the conference in San Francisco will learn information that will change their lives.

As we start to spread the word, I believe the information you will obtain can change the course of History.

America does not have to be on the decline. I do not believe that we have seen our best days.  The world needs our survival, so we need to get back to what were given by our founding fathers.

Eventually we need someone from every state to learn what we are teaching in this conference and later help enable us to file our actions with the county recorders and sheriffs everywhere in our nation. That way, for example, the IRS will not be able to legally levy liens involving transactions based on Federal Reserve Notes, as under existing state laws they are not legal tender. This step can help bring power back to states.  This would diminish the power of the IRS and by so doing, could rapidly reduce the size of the Federal Government.

It is also part of their plan to start to bring all Health Care Laws, even medical boards, state and federal FDA & FTC back to what the constitution allows. This could be the end of government preventing the use of truthful claims about supplements or locking doctors up for using alternative cancer treatments.

I have attended two prior conferences on this subject, as this is the culmination of years of intensive legal research. I understand the basis for all this and what I learned already has changed my life for the better.

I believe what we will be receiving is by divine providence. This information has come together at a time when many people are very concerned about government intrusion in their lives, and thus many people are now motivated and ready to learn.

You will find that everything has come together into a powerful package that addresses most of our major concerns today.

It is clear, that if we get enough people from different walks of life working together, we will be able to change things rapidly and for the better without so much as firing a shot, and without the risks that our founding fathers took when they stepped up and  gave us our great country.

Bring anyone you care about, and they will never stop thanking you.

Anyone with access to the major media will be eligible for a reduced rate.

Everyone that has attended in past, felt that it was important that we need to get the word out.

We believe with the astounding collection of precedent setting legal cases that have been located and will be turned over to all attendees, which include Supreme Court decisions, will help restore the power of the constitution to the legal proceedings everyone seems to face at some point in their lives today.

This course and the information in our upcoming webinar is for everyone, not just doctors.

Anyone in business today is at substantial risk from regulations they often have no knowledge of.

We are offering a webinar on July 5 at 4 pm PST that is free to all.  The purpose is to help everyone understand that we now have access to clear legal precedence that can help bring our country back to greatness.

Register at

There is only room for 200 in the conference.   Please spread the word. Sign up now with the San Francisco Marriott on the Water at the Airport and ask for our $129 group rate at 650-692-9100.


G.F. Gordon MD DO MD(H)



Gordon Research Institute, 600 N. Beeline Hwy, Payson AZ, Tel: 1 928.472.4263


How To Join
To join the webinar on July 5th, 2013 please click the legal webinar box below:

Legal Webinar
To join the conference please contact the San Francisco Marriott Waterfront at

and tell them you want to register for the “They Own It All” seminar.

