Dana Mrkich ~ Keeping Up With The Humans ~ 3 July 2013

Lia's picture


If there was a Galactic reality show airing in the Cosmos called Keeping up with the Humans, it would be a ratings winner right now. Something shifted on the weekend. I’m not sure what exactly in it’s entirety, and I’m looking forward to writing the July Monthly Visions for more info, but the feeling is after 6 months of being dunked under the water over and over and over and over again (ever since THAT date), we finally got a small break. 

More than that, the energy of victory was in the air – as if we’d been doing round after round in the boxing ring, finally the bell went off, and exhausted but joyous we held up our arm to signal we’d won – that battle anyway.

Yes, ‘win/lose’, ‘light/dark’ type thinking is old reality I know, but nevertheless something massive shifted, it felt good, and it felt very clear that humanity had turned a corner. Maybe we got past a point that those watching the reality show weren’t quite sure we’d get past, but they were hoping and praying we would because they are cheering and high 5-ing all over the place.

We’re in a new week and it’s back to the business of evolving at warp speed, but did anyone else notice this shift or have related dreams?

(c) Dana Mrkich 2013

www.danamrkich.blogspot.com / link to original article



shift of peace

EverleighMe's picture

I'm new to the press here and have found great hope and a feeling of belonging....i thank you. 

I will say for me on Saturday I had this overwhelmingly euphoric feeling. A feeling of deep peace and love. It was so wonderful and calming.  I felt as if the weight had lifted and my mind was freer.  It was a graciously accepted change in energy for me.