Shelley’s Note: Please note, these messages do not expire the day after they are posted. They are pertinent to the days, weeks and months ahead, and many are general spiritual guidance that would apply at any time. Please know that if you would like to read the daily messages on the day they are received, you can do so by liking Trinity Esoterics on Facebook, following us on twitter @trinityesoteric or checking our website
June 22, 2013
Dear Ones, as you continue to move forward energetically, it is important to know what tools or practices help you move forward with ease and comfort. For example, if you know the full moon affects your sleep, you may want to plan easier activities for yourself before and after and make the time to meditate as an additional support. If you know solar flares make you feel very dehydrated, be diligent about your water intake. If the energies are in a phase that are feeling a little chaotic, you may find walking in nature helps, or immersing yourself in salt water.
What helps you stay in surrender and flow? What ways are you practicing energetic clarity? It is much easier to plan ahead and have a strategy than it is to try to find comfort from a place that isn’t comfortable at all! As you move forward in this amazing year, you will find yourself navigating the energies with much greater ease and grace if you pay attention to the effects the different aspects have on you and what helps you stay in balance and movement with the least disturbance possible. ~Archangel Gabriel
June 23, 2013
There is a big difference between being a conscious creator and a controller. One works from your highest alignment, with ease, grace, flow and inspiration. The other is still trying to navigate in the mucky lower energies of 3D and is not nearly as supported. Hear us when we say that struggle is not only unnecessary, it is not an energetically supported way of doing things. This is why so many of you try and try to force things until you are exhausted and finally give up in exasperation and then, suddenly, things start to happen. The giving up is surrender. It signifies that you have finally gotten out of your own way and that is what allows the flow to start working for you. We say to you that if you are having a great deal of trouble making something happen, you are approaching it from the old outmoded way of doing things. Surrender, flow and expect only the highest good for all. ~Archangel Gabriel
June 24, 2013
We have spoken about using the one word affirmation for energetic adjustment before, which is simply saying the word that best matches how you would like to feel. For example, if you are feeling weak, you could simply say “strong” to yourself and it would adjust your energy, immediately, to help you feel strong. The one word affirmation offers instantaneous support.
Today we would like to discuss using the one word affirmation as a manifestation tool. Think of what you would like to create for yourself. Find the word that best matches it, for example, love. Try the word on by saying it to yourself. Does it feel good? Wonderful, then by repeating it to yourself you will be supporting that energy within and by the law of attraction, you will draw more of the same to you.
Does it make you feel uncomfortable? That discomfort is letting you know that you have an energetic blockage to what you wish to create for yourself, be it a fear, and old belief system, worthiness issues, etc. You will feel it sit in your body, usually in your abdominal area. Imagine that resistance moving up and out of your body, or, if you like, you can ask your angels and helpers to assist you in releasing it. Keep repeating until you can say the word that represents what you wish to create for yourself and feel it rest comfortably in your body.
This is a powerful tool for you because it takes the stress out of the wording. It allows you to embrace the pure essence of the energies you wish to experience more of, and in turn, will turn you into an energetic beacon that will draw more of those very energies to manifest in your reality. It is simple and extremely effective. ~Archangel Gabriel
June 25, 2013
Many of you struggle to control the outcome of things because you think you know best exactly how things should be. Of course you are the experts on you and what you desire, but in reality, you simply do not have the vantage point or all of the information necessary to know all the options. This is why co-creation is such a powerful tool to live your highest life expression. The vast majority of the time, if you would simply surrender with highest intention, what the universe would provide to you would be beyond your wildest dreams. Humans frequently are putting a lot of energy into trying to manifest things that are so much less than what is available to them! Allow the universe to help you because it can see ALL the options that are available to you and will always deliver what is for your highest good if you would simply allow it to do so. ~Archangel Gabriel
June 26, 2013
Allow your divinity to shine brightly, and see and celebrate the divinity of others, and your days will be filled with light, beauty, love and joy. ~Archangel Gabriel
June 27, 2013
When a human wishes to go somewhere, they often put their destination into their GPS. Then, they enter into motion and simply follow the directions and trust it will get them where they wish to go in the fastest, most direct way possible.
Using your inner guidance system is much the same. Setting an intention is much like putting the destination into your GPS. It clearly states where you would like to go. Then, to enter into motion, you simply surrender into the flow and then follow the subtle bumps and nudges of your soul and your helpers. If you pay attention and follow the suggestions, you will get to where you wish to be in record time.
Intention, surrender and flow are the steps to using your inner guidance system. It is always updated and always takes you down the route of your highest good. And just like your regular GPS, if you happen to miss a turn it will automatically recalibrate and lead you from wherever you are. ~Archangel Gabriel
June 28, 2013
As a co-creator of the planet, gratitude is one of the most powerful tools you can use. When you move into the stream of thankfulness, you shift into a very high, very empowered energetic state. Not only does appreciation give crystal clear feedback to the universe and energetically lock in what you wish to experience more of, taking the time to see, in the Now, what is working in your life is a powerful way to realize how blessed and provided for you always are. Just as you can enter into a downward spiral of despair, you can choose to embrace an upward spiral of appreciation, expanding your blessings and feeling the unconditional love of the Universe. From that sweet, conscious and nurtured state, you will have so much more to offer each other and your planet until you are all uplifted, living, loving and dancing in the energies of joyous creation and abundance. ~Archangel Gabriel
June 29, 2013
Imagine that you have entered an event and your goal is to reach the finish line (your intended creation) in record time. You are tethered to several other energies and as you look at them, you can identify them as excitement, creation, focus, fear, doubt and stagnation. The starter’s pistol is fired and you are off! You, excitement and creation take off in the direction of the finish line but find you can barely move. You turn to see what is going on and you see that focus is facing the line but not moving because stagnation has dug his heels in and wants everything to stay the same. Doubt doesn’t move either because he is looking all around and doesn’t know which way to go. Fear was so startled by the sound of the starter’s pistol that he has turned around and is running with all his might in the other direction! Do you see? In order to truly move forward with the most ease and success, you must untether yourself from the energies that hold you back. If you embrace energies that support each other and move with the same intention, you will be crossing the finish line into the land of new creations with ease, joy and excitement every single time. ~Archangel Gabriel
June 30, 2013
Dear Ones, can you see that if you are wanting change with all your hearts and then resisting the flow that brings you those very changes, that you are sending mixed messages to the universe? You are also putting yourself in some very uncomfortable energies indeed, as resistance always creates discomfort.
Energetic clarity is so very important for manifesting in the most direct way possible. Think of a tuning fork. If you strike it and there are other elements muffling its vibration, it is difficult to hear. But if you strike it and it is unimpeded, its tone rings loud, long and pure. As it is with your energetics.
Being a masterful co-creator comes from having clear intention, energetic clarity and the unshakeable knowingness that the universe will always, always respond to your clarion call, and when it does, embracing it with joyous anticipation and delight. ~Archangel Gabriel
July 1, 2013
Dear Ones, there is so much beauty around you. Your society has been in trouble shooting mode for so long, always on the lookout for what is wrong, that many of you have forgotten to look for the vast beauty that is everywhere if you have the eyes to see. Celebrate the miraculous, breathtaking beauty that exists, seeing it as being an expression of Source. Then take a look in the mirror and celebrate your own breathtaking expression of Source while you are at it! You are all delightful aspects of heaven on earth. ~Archangel Gabriel
July 2, 2013
Beauty – true, lasting beauty, comes from remembering your divinity and allowing your connectedness to Source to shine brightly. You have heard the expression, “Beauty is skin deep.” We would say, “Beauty is soul deep.” ~Archangel Gabriel
July 3, 2013
We wish to speak of creation today. Think of when you are in the act of creation of any sort. Creation is inspired flow. Creation has movement. You often hear us speak on the importance of surrender and flow. Do you see how creation has these elements? You cannot resist and create at the same time! Think of creation as staying in a state of inspiration and alignment and flow long enough for the magic to happen. ~Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young Facebook: Trinity Esoterics Twitter: @trinityesoteric YouTube: