Original Article: http://fengshuiserenity. blogspot.com/2013/07/ hooponopono-overcoming-anger. html
July 01, 2013 Sharda Chaitanya
by Sharda Chaitanya
Today I had a sublime experience using the mantra, HO'PONOPONO. I had come across the word recently when reading Scott Mowry's latest article, posted here. I'd seen the word in the past, and I have seen the definition separately, but hadn't put the two together until now. That is all I knew, that was as deep as it went for me. Which was perfect - I hadn't examined, contemplated or exploited it. It was a virgin mantra.
But yesterday a situation erupted with someone who I consider a good friend. We had 'words', (or more accurately, text messages) and I became really angry. Angry like I haven't been in about five years. Angry like if I didn't calm down, I was going to pass out, overcome by dizziness. And what made it worse in my view was that it was done via text messaging!! OMG, I was regressing into a teenager!! The whole scenario had all the earmarks of a juvenile spat, with yours truly as one of the players.
A while back, I stopped doing angry. Anger is a killer, literally. All kinds of mean and nasty chemicals are released into the blood stream when we become angry - hormones are thrown off balance, our bodies become acidic and our heart-rate and breathing increase abnormally as a response to our inherent 'flight or fight' programming. And anger always involves a fabricated self-righteous perception that keeps it justified, something that our ego loves - it thrives on that shit.
And then of course there is the feeling-really-bad about whatever happened. Followed by figuring out how you are going to make it right again. All that pontificating just brings back the incident in your mind, and you end up playing it over and over again. And the more you do that, the more you feed the ego which wants so dearly to cling to any notion we may be holding of having to be right. It's exhausting.
When I was studying the Yoga system of Swami Shivananda, one of the things he was very keen on was never becoming angry. He wrote that one outburst of anger creates such disharmony to the astral body that it takes 40 days to repair and replenish it. That always stuck with me. Because if you are dedicating you life to Yoga and meditation, it simply isn't worth it. It wasn't worth destroying weeks, months or even years working diligently toward a balanced life just to have it thrown off by a hissy fit. Or any other (and there are many) forms that anger takes.
So there I was yesterday - Me and My Anger. I sat with it until I used what I had in me to raise my vibration, call in my guides and get to work. By that I mean, let it go - go to that place where I visit when I meditate and latch the mind onto that space of infinite peace. Within a short while, I was much better. And I continued to feel better as the evening wore on. But I still had the issue of the other person. (Oh yeah, that.) To keep myself in balance, I listened to Bentinho Massaro on YouTube. A little sidebar here: The really interesting thing was that the particular topic he was discussing was something that I absolutely had to hear, and unrelated to the topic at hand. To my amazement, the person in the video who asks the question has the exact same issue as me, and he expressed it much like I would. And as if that were not coincidence enough, he wants to go to Hawaii. SO DO I!!! NOTE TO THE UNIVERSE: Thanks for synchronicity, I love when You do that!
Back to Ho'oponopono. When I woke up today I asked my quides and St. Germaine, and Lord Krishna and Divine Mother (and ultimately my Higher Self) to fix the issue. I handed it over and did my morning Sadhana. (Afternoon Sadhana these days - I sleep late.) All the while I was doing my meditation and other offerings, the Ho'oponopono mantra kept coming through. Or more accurately, the meaning of the mantra kept coming through:
Original Article: http://fengshuiserenity.
Awesome. Thanks for sharing. Ho'oponopano. I use it often. Never stared it in the face, though. I like.
Bonnie Smith