July 5, 2013
The wave of these past months and weeks energies have been on the rise to a height we have never gone before.. The increase of energies from our Divine sun have been blasts of awakening, deep contemplations and releasing of old energies and learned programming. We have all been feeling these blasts intensely in every present moment of NOW. Our heart, mind, body and soul of our Being has been in preparation for Divine Love and energies enveloping every one everywhere..
There have been many synchronostic happenings during this period but, I will share only some of the highlights.
Following my angels promptings, I went to the beach to get in touch with ME (MotherEarth)and to observe the upcoming sunset. I sat in conversation with FatherMotherGod (as we all do). Suddenly, a beautiful hawk flew past me twice within a few minutes. According to Indian hawk medicine, the hawk carries a personal divine message.
On the evening of June 13th, one week before the solstice, I was feeling the high energies and was a bit restless. I went to the beach to see the moon in her 3/4 phase. She was beautiful pinkish orange becoming more orange as she set in the lake.The moon looked like a sorrowful, tearful Muslim woman. I felt the pain of suppressed women everywhere, especially in religious traditions where women have been subservient to dominate masculine rule for centuries..I was feeling the women in Turkey in particular who, that night, un-benownst to me until the following morning, had made a human mother chain around the park to continue the peaceful protest of the people coming together to preserve the one last park in their city. The people were standing up at last for their rights. I offered up a prayer and sent much love to all who were peacefully protesting in Turkey. I watched the moon until she sank below the horizon. The next day, Friday, news from Turkey revealed much chaos, beatings and unnecessary brute force by the police on the peaceful protesters during the night.
By the 19th of June, wave after wave of intense solstice energies, as well as the up coming full moon energies were affecting us all. Many of us felt like we were being squeezed through the hourglass. The solstice heralds the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. In 2013, the solstice fell on Friday, June 21 at 5:04 Universal time, which is 1:04 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time and 12:04 A.M. Central Daylight Time.
I was at the deserted beach Thursday night, June 20th about two hours before the actual solstice time. At 1:04 AM, on the 21st, the night sky was brilliantly illuminated and silver with the almost full moon which was surrounded in a golden green halo, surrounded by a golden pink halo. The moon was so bright, only a couple of stars in the northern sky were visible. These two stars were trined with the moon. As I gazed at the moon, another two stars appeared on the southeast side of the moon in a straight line, making it look like a huge crystal wand blessing humanity. I knew there was Divine magic in the air. The green halo, I felt was a clear sign for the healing of humanity and especially Divine feminine. Balance of Divine masculine and feminine is rapidly taking place as we are all awakening to who we really are. Love.
Friday, June 21.. I returned to the beach around midnight to find it very much alive with many people laughing and having a great time in the energies. The moon again had a brilliant green gold halo surrounded by another halo of bright gold pink..The sky was clear everywhere, yet, wispy clouds formed by the moon created a fast moving Divine story in the heavens. It was like watching a movie. So many Angels, faces, and story telling shapes were appearing to speak to my heart. I clearly saw the number 3 pop out in the moonlight.
Saturday, the first night of the full moon, found me once more at the beach. There was only one car in the parking lot and it was parked in my usual spot by the deck, so I parked a few spaces away. When I got out of my car, I became aware of a dinging bell from the other vechile. I didn't pay too much attention to the bell sound at first, but it was almost becoming annoying. Very soon, a big hearty laugh was in the air and a voice saying it would be a lot better if the car wasn't dinging.. I wholeheartedly agreed. The owner of the vechile finally turned off. We were both laughing about it.
He came over and introduced himself as Larry AreYou.. (not the correct spelling) but that's what his last name sounded like. Since we are all part of each other, I thought, how appropriate. Larry AreYou...I AM Larry AreYou... It was an amazing encounter with an earth angel. Like finding a long lost brother. He shared that he and his beloved wife, Joey had just gotten married in May. She called him during our conversation and I was able to meet her over the phone. She too is an earth angel I am looking forward to meeting in person.
Sunday night was the best night of the full super moon phase and solstice energies. I had promised my two young grandsons, John, 12 and 4 year old, Quinn, we'd go to the football field to look at the super moon. They eagerly awaited going, but, had to first brush their teeth and be ready for bed as soon as we returned. Around 10 PM, we ventured to the field. We were accompanied by two of my cats, Happy, a male and YI a female. Balanced masculine/feminine on a walk with us.
As we entered the field, we could see the moons glow on the other side of the school. We walked across the field almost to the end where we could see the full super moon in all it's glory. It was pink golden orange and glowing brightly. The sky was clear as we made ourselves comfortable on our mat to gaze at the moon. The boys were amazed at the size of it. John's a brilliant young boy, a thinker and a talker as most 12 year old boys are. He was talking about the moon's size and golden color..Quinn curled up on my lap as we took in the amazing sight. A few clouds began forming threatening to block out some of the moons brilliance. It wasn't long before we were seeing shapes in the clouds. At one point, the clouds in front of the moon made it look like a moon reflecting on a lake in the heavens. There appeared two figures of winged creatures in front of the moon..one in front of the other..John proceeded to tell a story of a swan asking why there was so much brutality in the world and that he was sorry it was like that, but that it is changing. People are becoming aware and awakened to the fact we are all the same, yet unique in our rolls in the Divine Plan.
It was getting late for the boys and Quinn was getting sleepy.. As we were preparing to leave the football field, the clouds wafted away from the moon and she could be seen clearly in her golden light...John said, "Boy, the clouds leaving was like the end of one story and the clear sky surrounding the moon was like the beginning of another story." How true that statement is. We have come to the end of an old story of hatred and wars to a new beginning of Love for self and All creation. We are ushering in this New Age of Love..the age of Aquarius.
We each have our own personal story and synchronostic happenings taking place daily. We are being awakened into the Love we are. Many of us have had winged friends sit or fly by or earth angel conversations or even messages from billboards, Divine messages for our spiritual growth.
There are signs and happenings everywhere of changes taking place within us and on Gaia. We are blessed to be here in this amazing cycle. Many souls wanted to be here for this Divine event. We were chosen to be here to experience the crumbling of the old and co-creating Heaven on Earth=Heart. Enjoy your journey and watch for friends who come to play and bring messages along the way. Make the journey Out and In and know we are never alone even when we are by ourselves. We are Loved more than we realize and each one of us are unique and vital in our Divine roll in the assistance of Love for the highest good of ALL.
To know we are all One..no mater where anyone resides, hides, lives and thrives, we are each other ..Will is online.. it's our choice ..Love Wins..Leaving it all up to YOU.. Love YOU! Peace and Light
I also had an experience with the moon on the 23~24th, after wondering if the moon did have some technology for manipulation. I went outside and saw a light in the sky, it was this one cloud infront of the moon, it looked surreal the formation of the cloud... Many explanations came to mind. I wanted to take a picture to show the cloud, it was about 3 times the size of the moon right centere in front. I could only see the glow around the edges of the cloud. So I go inside get a camera 10 secs latter I get to the door and the moon was over the cloud... It was weird, Its like the moon wanted me to know that its not what I thought it was in that time... Hahaha its not the first time either mother nature plays games with me lol sometimes it looks bad compared to the experiences of others, yet that was in the past maybe it wont be so bad anymore from the looks of it since June.
Thanks for sharing, Love and light
Be at One
Beautiful Story
Beautiful story Doreen. Thank you so much for sharing it. Sharing our experiences through these most amazing times draws us together in unity..Peace and blessings sister!