Enlightenment Is NOW Simple - John McIntosh

Doreen Smith's picture

John McIntosh  Friday, July 5, 2013


Galleria D'Amore E Di Pace - Peace Centers 
are at the core of THE VISION

by John McIntosh

Enlightenment is the Awareness that there is only ONE … One God, One Truth, One Intelligence, One Love … All have the same meaning and they Are YOU – Who You Are.
Time and space are illusions … there is no distance in Oneness neither are there boundaries.  All concepts revolving around time, which are believed in keep you ‘time-bound’ … a state of unconsciousness of Who You Are.
Freedom lies in the Awareness of Who You Are – it really is that Simple.
More and more people who have chosen Freedom are allowing time-space concepts related to Awakening to fall away in favor of the simplicity of discovering Who They Are. When this Awareness dawns on consciousness – Freedom is INSTANTANEOUS!
The simplicity of it lies in the loss of ALL other identifications. It is identifying with LESS than the God You Are that causes all suffering. 
Even with the greatest of Intentions toward humanity and the planet and your own Freedom – titles separate you from this Awareness and bondage remains. In fact the very (nearness) of Truth without Freedom is a great cause of suffering.
Where could you be (outside) ONE … consider this question carefully and you may recognize the enormous simplicity within the answer that brings back the Freedom You Are INSTANTLY!
The concept of practicing rituals, disciplining yourself to follow ways and means and a process that must be followed in order to achieve Enlightenment are all tied to time and space … they keep Freedom in the future. As long as you believe this – Freedom WILL BE in the future for you.
All such practices emanate from ancient wisdom that was perfect for the old energy where the possibility of INSTANT Self Discovery was extremely difficult due to the heaviness of the frequencies of the planet – the so called 3rd and 4th dimensions of time and space. But the planet and humanity are Now in the 5th Dimension of Now-ness and it IS NOW possible to Awaken INSTANTLY!
Of Course you will still have many programs – conditioning which makes up the separated self or split mind ego … and these programs WILL pull you back into the bondage of duality or separation from Oneness. But once you have tasted Freedom and KNOW that it is within easy reach by simply returning to the Awareness that You Are One – You Are God … you will quickly make the transition again and again until the conditioning has all dissolved.
It means the ego self is Now your servant instead of your master as it has been for eons … it is still there but is now naked and exposed allowing you to easily embrace each condition which has held you bound to time-space-separation.
When you embrace each condition, you are Loving God-You … Your True Self in disguise … since ALL IS GOD and that embrace - that Self Love transforms the condition back 'into' Love.
Again, it is your Awareness of this Truth that sets you Free.
When you stand in the Light of Truth or Oneness of your God Self … ALL your conditioning is revealed through the mirrors of your experience and you see them (from) Freedom and (respond) with Love (embracing them)instead of from fear when you are trapped in (reactions) due to a separated consciousness.
This simple Awareness of Who You Are allows you to remove (transform) every block (veil) to the Awareness of the Presence of Freedom (Love).
It’s the FAST TRACK to FREEDOM available to All Now in the New Energy – The Golden Age in which we are all Now immersed.




so true

rsolor's picture

for i have realized that for me to feel happy and safe on earth, every body must feel the same way, and treated as such, or i will get the backstabing and lies so the othere feels it gets it's so called fair share.

blessing to all of us for we are all one


David Porter's picture

Dear John, (oh I've wanted to do a "Dear John letter for real for so long)

Your words are synonymous with that of a book that was given title from a cartoon.

Once upon a time a leader of a land passed on and from His new perspective looked down to the Earth on day from where He lived to His son that was wasting his life away and said to him, "Simba" Remember Who You Are."

Remember Who You Are, The Awakening published in 1998 tells of a time that this will be prompted to happen, that time would get underway in 2012 when Earth is fully seated into the "Photon Belt." Here we are and your words are congruent with this books teachings.

Thank you John ~have a nice entry~

David Porter

Author of the series


It is inevitable ~ We are coming Home as One

TheFlashRon's picture

"once you have tasted Freedom and KNOW that it is within easy reach by simply returning to the Awareness that You Are One – You Are God … you will quickly make the transition again and again until the conditioning has all dissolved."

This is so beautiful... So enabling... We are so blessed to be in this time of awakening.

Blessings, All