Gaia Portal Update~ Entrance of 777 Portals Continues Up-Step Processing…

Lia's picture


gaia_energy1Entrance of 777 portals continues up-step processing to 7th dimensional awareness and energetic operations, on individual, collective, and planetary Gaia levels.

Stabilization of coalescing dimensional harmonics will begin after full 777 up-step is achieved at those levels. Current awareness proceeds satisfactorily at individual levels, each at one’s own pace.

Star influences are strongest current influence on those with higher 7D awareness.

Gaia portals are all undergoing this up-step process.



Excuse me

David Porter's picture

Are you sure you have the correct planet? 7 is a lot of dimensions above the 3rd.

Although there was two jets recently within 5 minutes of each other that went down. They were both exact same models, Bowing 777.

Maybe you were looking for Venus or down under, Agatha??

David Porter

Author of the series


What are the odds?

TheFlashRon's picture

Two Boeing 777 jet liners on opposite sides of the Earth going down within 5 minutes of each other???? I would like to hear the odds of that. Now, if that isn't synchronistically connected to the shifting portal vortex energy, I'll eat these organic words.

As I understand it, all of us lightworkers are already operating at 5D level and continuing to raise in frequency as we evolve as it is a continuous process into Oneness of Being.

As this unfolds, wouldn't it make sense to enable the 7D portals so there isn't a gridlock pileup of 6D'ers causing even more delays?

Blessings, All